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C and C++
C++ Regular Expression Library, Grammar to parser classes, GRETA, PCRE - Perl Compatible Regular Expressions, PCRE Win32, PCRS - Perl Compatible Regular expression based Su, regex, Regex++, Rx - Posix Basic Regular Expressions, Text processing for C/C++ programmers
FAQs, Help, and Tutorials
GNU awk User's Guide - Regular Expressions, grep - Regular Expressions, Learning to Use Regular Expressions by Example, Mastering Regular Expressions (Second Edition), MSDN .NET Regular expressions, Posix Basic Regular Expression, Programming in Emacs Lisp - Regular Expression Sea, RE Tool, Regular Expression Features in Tcl 8.1, Regular Expression HOWTO
dk.brics.automaton, gnu.regexp, Jakarta ORO, Jakarta Regexp, Java Regular Expressions, Java Simple Regular Expresions, JDK 1.4 Supports Regular Expressions, JRegex, jrexx, Pat
Dirty Secrets of the Perl Regex Engine, How Regexes Work, MakeRegex, Perl FAQ : Regular Expressions, Perl Regex, Perl Regular Expression Matching is NP-Complete, Perl Regular Expression Quick Reference, Perl Regular Expression Tutorial, perl.perl6.language.regex, PERL5 Regular Expression Description
Research Papers
Efficient Submatch Addressing for Regular Expressi, Fast Regular Expression Matching using FPGAs, Fast Regular Expression Search, NFAs with Tagged Transitions, their Conversion to , RE-Tree: An Efficient Index Structure for Regular , Regular Expression Searching on Compressed Text, Regular Expressions - A Graphical User Interface, Regular Expressions for Language Engineering, Regular Expressions to DFA's using Compressed, SWYN: A Visual Representation for Regular Expressi
12 Reasons to Use Regular Expressions
An article that gives 12 reasons for learning and using Regular Expressions.
A 'Print This Page' Script Using the MS-
This article, by Troy Eberhard, examines how to create a Printer Friendly Page using Microsoft's XMLHTTP component along with regular expressions.
An Introduction to Regular Expression with VBScrip
Articles in two parts about using Regular Expressions with VCScript.
Common Applications of Regular Expressions
This article by Richard Lowe demonstrates four powerful and practical applications of regular expressions.
DevShed - So What's A $#!%% Regular Expressio
Regular expressions are one of the most powerful tools in the arsenal of any *NIX programmer. This article offers insights into what they are, how to go about constructing them, and how to add them to your Perl, PHP and JavaScript programs.
A script that allows to perform search-and-replace operations with extended regular expressions from unix shells.
Geek Talk: The Regular Expression Rundown
What is a "regular expression"? Crispin Roven has the answer. Newbie-oriented. [Wired News]
A simple JavaScript real-time regular expression evaluator, similar to RX tool of Activestate's Komodo IDE.
KRegExpEditor - Manual
A Manual describing the KDE Application for editing regular expressions.
Larger Regular Expressions
The purpose of this article is to show a few real-life examples of regular expressions at work.
Matchmaking with regular expressions
Shows how to use the power of regular expressions to ease text parsing and processing.
PCRE Workbench
Graphical application for Windows which can be used to experiment with Perl-compatible regular expressions interactively.
PCRE Wrapper for Delphi 7
Provides Wrapper classes that provide PCRE for Delphi.
An online tool for creating and testing regular expressions.
Regex Suite
Brings the power of regular expression searching and replacing to Frontier 5. [GPL]
RegEx Tester
Online regular expression tester for preg (Perl) and ereg (POSIX) formats.
Tool for creating, debug, implement and save regular expressions for Windows and Linux. [Commercial]
A forum for coders to share regexes and regex info.
A visual regular expression explorer, it allows for writing regular expressions and visually see the matches. Uses the KDE/Qt Libraries for the user interface. [QPL]
RegExpr for VB & VBA
Regular expression library for Visual Basic and Visual Basic for Applications.
Regular Expression Builder
An open source tool written in C# to build and test regular expressions.
Regular Expression Tester
Online script to test regular expressions. Shows matching patterns in red. PHP source code available for download, includes regular expression cheat sheet.
Regular Expression Tester
Uses browser's JavaScript to show matches and subgroups, and highlights match in the input string.
Regular Expression Usage in C#
The source code shows how to use Regular Expressions in C#.
Regular Expressions
Describes Regular Expressions and compares them to Finite Automatas.
Regular Expressions explained
An article by Jan Borsodi that gives an introduction to the world of regular expressions. It explains what regular expressions are and introduces the syntax. Also provides examples with varying complexity and a list of tools which use regular expressions.
Regular expressions in Haskell
Native Haskell implementation of polymorphic regular expressions. The regexps contains most of the features found in Perl.
Regular Expressions Library
A collection of regular expressions submitted by viewers.
Regular Expressions Quickstart
An article about regular expressions in ASP pages.
Simplifed use of Regular Expressions from within y
A small library to make working with Regular Expressions a little bit easier. Free source code and tutorials for Windows developers.
So What's A $#!%% Regular Expression, Anyway?
Learn how to use regular expressions and perform search and replace operations.
Stripping HTML Tags using Regular Expressions
This article, by Scott Mitchell examines how to strip HTML tags from a string using regular expressions.
TCL Regular Expressions
An Introduction to Regular Expressions in the scripting language TCL.
The Regex Coach
Graphical application for Linux and Windows which can be used to experiment with (Perl-compatible) regular expressions interactively.
A Delphi port of Henry Spencer V8-routins for working with a subset of Perl Regular Expressions. Full source code in object pascal included. No DLL needed. [Freeware]
Using Regular Expressions in Borland Delphi
A slide-show that explains regular expressions and how to use them with Delphi.
Utilizing Regular Expression SubMatches
This article by Scott Mitchell examines some advanced features with regular expressions.
Utilizing Regular Expressions
This article is a follow-up to an earlier 4Guys article "An Introduction to Regular Expression with VBScript". Regular Expression allows for complex pattern matching and replacing.
Validating Form Input using Regular Expressions
Writing form validation code is often the most thankless part of your job. The logic can get quite complex, and often quite messy. This article will show how to use Regular Expressions to simplify your code.
VBScript Regular Expressions
Describes the improved text handling functions of version 5 of VBScript through its support for Regular Expressions.
Visual RegExp
A graphical explorer for your regular expressions. Requires Tcl/Tk 8.x.
windows.oreilly.com -- C# Regular Expressions
Brad Merrill, coauthor of O'Reilly's C# Essentials, provides an overview of how regular expressions are used in the C# environment.