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Ruby Distributions for Windows 95/98/NT/2000, Ruby Entry Package for Win32, Ruby for Windows Users, Ruby Win32 Extension Project, Ruby-mswin32
.NET meets Ruby
NETRuby a la interpreter: port of Ruby interpreter to C#, so Ruby runs under CLR and interfaces to .NET. Ported interpreter seems thread-safe, runs multiple instances in the same executable.
Rijndael encryption for shell scripts and Ruby.
HTML/xHTML template library for Ruby.
A commercial IDE for specialized for developing ruby web applications but also for 'traditional' programming.
Module adding simple aspect-oriented programming concepts to Ruby. [Open Source, LGPL]
Atelier in the Blue Sky
Text preprocessor, aftercommit, CD player, extension library for zlib, patches.
Ruby library for Bioinformatics research. Goal: implement integrated environment for such research by using Ruby. Growing project, link counts.
A Ruby web application framework based on Smalltalk's Seaside 2 that allows linear programming of web applications. [Open source]
Interactive GUI-based tool for database querying, programming, administering, etc. Has 3 basic parts: SQL editor, query result viewer, database structure viewer. [Open Source, GPL]
Directory: /people/m-kasahr/ruby/
finder, getoptlong, mimeencoder, rubym4.
A Ruby Integrated Development Environment, IDE. Wiki format, descriptions, FAQ, documents, screenshots, development and subproject links. Linux, Unix, Windows. [Open Source]
freshmeat.net: Ruby
Root Ruby page there, over 40 projects so far.
Helios Workspace
Software that helps groups work more efficiently by easing the flow of information. A workspace (wiki, weblog and application platform) which supports groups and individuals in communicating and collaborating. [Open source]
Reverse dependency tool, simple http daemon, and vim syntax coloring.
Hugh Sasse's Ruby Page
Links; many scripts, programs.
ICQ Lite History Browser
Uses Ruby, FXRuby and REXML to implement a slim browser for ICQ Lite's history files.
Jim Weirich?s Ruby Software
Gemfinder, a simple class browser for Ruby programs: uses reflection abilities of Ruby to let users browse classes, modules, methods; FlexMock, the outcome of a frustrating evening of trying to use the original mock object by Nat Pryce; Rake, a simple ruby build program with capabilities similar to make; Source2html, a Ruby program that scans a number of source files and produces a set of HTML files containing nicely formated source with hyper-links between the files.
Effort to recreate the Ruby interpreter written in Java, and a Ruby to Java bytecode compiler. [Open Source, GPL]
Just Another RD Site
RD: multipurpose documentation format created to document Ruby and the output of the Ruby world.
Masaki Fukushima: Ruby
Scripts, Pcap libpcap interface, Python embedded in Ruby, and Ruby SWIG module.
Minero Aoki Software Archive
Racc: LALR(1) Perser generator; TMail: Mail Class (implements MIME multipart, more); strscan: extension to scan string faster.
The mod_ruby program embeds a Ruby interpreter into the Apache webserver, to let Ruby CGI scripts execute natively, so scripts start up and run far faster.
MySQL Ruby Interface
Use MySQL via this Ruby extension library.
Ruby module for accessing the ncurses library
Numerical Ruby Modules
PGPlot graphics library interface for Ruby, a Quantity class containing "value" and "unit", providing automatic unit conversion and calculation, and a class for Numerical N-dimensional Arrays.
Ruby library for synchronizing PalmPilot with DBMSs.
Play Ground of Ruby
Small amounts of Ruby/Tk, SSI filter, flock, rot13.
A web application server/framework written in Ruby featuring a templating system,internationalization support, flexible url rewrite system, intergrated caching, logging, database polling and authentication.
Full RADIUS protocol and utility library, protocol conforms to RFCs 2865, 2866; utilities are useful for many common system administration tasks. Description, documents, downloads, contact. [Open Source, GPL]
RDE: Ruby Development Environment
Integrated Development Environment for Ruby, mostly a GUI wrapper of debug.rb with editor, Windows only. Screenshot, description, downloads (old, new).
Ruby ICE, Information and Content Exchange. Implements an ICE syndicator that publishes time stamps, an ICE subscriber that consumes time stamps. Description, documents, downloads.
CORBA for Ruby. The goal of this project is to create 100% pure Ruby CORBA implementation based on the CORBA-Ruby Mapping Specification.
Ruby O-o Compiler construction toolKIT; easy-to-use, written in and generates Ruby code. Current focus: 'front-end' phases of compiler construction; generates lexer and parser (more advanced than yacc's LaLr(1), grammars in Extended Backus-Naur form.
A few ruby libraries: iptctl.rb (a ruby interface to iptables commands), proclib.rb (a ruby interface to the /proc fs on linux). Also recommendation for solving a problem with over sized arp tables in Linux.
RTFM is a collection of Ruby/HTTP bindings for on-the-fly XML publishing and management.
Ruby > (Smalltalk + Perl) / 2
Over a dozen programs. Interesting webpage title, yes?
Ruby == Perl.succ
Ruby 1.4.2 FreeBSD port, tips, memoranda.
Ruby Application Archive
The mother lode: has grown into the largest body of Ruby software anywhere.
Ruby as Glue Language
Ruby bindings for several libraries, with readme files.
Ruby binaries
Cygwin DLL, GTk+ on Win32 DLLs.
Ruby on Rails
A full-stack, open-source web framework in Ruby for web applications.
Ruby information, downloads, resources, RWIKI Plus, online interpreter (try Ruby online), interactive tutorial, Programming Ruby Interactive. The last two combine text examples with the online interpreter to run them.
RFC 2229 compliant client-side library implementation of the DICT protocol, written in the Ruby programming language. It can be used to write clients that access dictionary definitions from a set of natural language dictionary databases.
A genetic programming library in Ruby language.
A set of useful methods for creating, verifying, and manipulating passwords. It includes an interface to CrackLib, a library commonly used for checking password strength. It is intended to be used by system administrators who need to write Ruby programs that prompt for, generate, verify, and encrypt passwords.
Brings Samba to Ruby: a C library gluing Samba libsmbclient library to Ruby dynamic high-level language; a tool making it easy to work with OS network resources, without considering low-level nuisances: buffers, pointers, buffer pointers, etc. [Open Source, GPL]
Mac OS X Cocoa bindings for Ruby. Allows native OS X function mixins and GUI component use, write Cocoa programs in Ruby or mix Ruby and Objective-C code, create and use Cocoa objects in Ruby scripts. [Open Source]
Home for open source Ruby projects, provided for benefit of Ruby community. Hosts projects, downloads, links, site statistics. [InfoEther]
An analog to Perl's Inline::C. It allows to embed C external module code in a Ruby script directly. The code is compiled and run on the fly when needed.
Free software for creating and maintaining a weblog on website.
An email library for the Ruby programming language.
[CVS interface, no Homepage] The RADIUS Ruby module provides an RFC 2138/2139-compliant interface to RADIUS using Ruby. Its API is based somewhat on the Net::Radius module for Perl, but with some changes made to reflect Ruby's features (such as iterators).
Ruby RSS aggregator. Grabs a list of URLs, converts RSS to HTML, and outputs to a file. Formatting is performed based on a passed code block.
Simple testing framework for Ruby.
Interfaces the Simple Directmedia Library to the language Ruby, giving it high speed graphics, sound, and input capabilities. [Open source, LGPL]
A fast Ruby module with the Porter stemming algorithm (a process for removing the commoner morphological and inflexional endings from words in English; its main use is as part of a term normalisation process that is usually done when setting up Information Retrieval systems).
Server Emulator for EverQuest(tm)
EthernalQuestEQ is an EverQuest(tm) server emulator. The project was designed around the principles of EverQuest(tm) and allows easy customization of EQs virtual world through the Ruby scripting language.
Tadayoshi Funaba: Ruby
Applications: cal, dvipc, gtkcal, luna, nqt, rar, prof, stared, tkcal, tr-list, wc, Just another Ruby hacker; Libraries: calendar, date2, delay/force, once, smf.
Tic-Tac-Toe with Ruby/Gtk
A short introduction to Ruby/Gtk by example. Shows how to inherit Gtk+ elements and the use of a recursive MiniMax tree search.
Ruby library program/toolkit to build HTTP WWW servers; download, CVS, example configuration code, change log. [Open Source, Ruby Artistic]
A Ruby bindings to the wxWindows cross-platform toolkit. [Open source]
YAML for Ruby
YAML4R is a fully-featured YAML parser and emitter for Ruby. Use it as a drop-in replacement for PStore, or use one of its several APIs to store object data in the friendly and readable YAML style.
Yoshidam's Secret Page: Ruby
Information on Ruby, powered by his XML module. Modules: XMLParser, Uconv, Oracle, VFlib3, Perl, Multibyte Extension for String class, Syslog; Libraries: Unicode, Susie Plugin, DirectDraw for Ruby, MDN.
Software and several translated articles on programming and running Ruby on Windows. "Zakki-Cho" = "Notebook" in Japanese.
A system for building entire websites, not just pages. It allows to focus on the content and the structure of the website, while leaving page construction, markup, layout, navigation as secondary concerns.