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DB Build Net
A generator browses database (Oracle, Access) and builds 3 VB Net Modules : Classes, Data Manager, Data Access. It can generate also Oracle stored.
How to Protect Yourself From SQL Injection
Article by Mike Hillyer. Learn how to protect application from SQL Injection; a very real threat to database application's security.
Introduction to the Usages of Access Databases
Brief introduction to the usages of Access databases.
JC Persistence Framework
An O/R database mapping layer for VS.NET and VB6. Based on Scott Amblers design. [Open source, GPL]
VB Without Data Binding; A Better Way
While Data Binding is a powerful technique, it can also lead to many problems that would not otherwise exist. The purpose of this article is to detail what Data Binding is, why it should be avoided and how to write VB programs without it.
Dedicated to combining Visual Basic with MySQL. Includes Articles, Sample Code, Forums, Presentations, and an informative Blog.