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Ace Operating System Project
An open source operating system for X86 architecture. It also contains documents, specifications explaning various hardware.
ACM Special Interest Group for Operating Systems
Tutorial for writing an operating system and links to group members' projects.
Bona Fide OS Development
OS development information and tutorials. Links.
Bootstrap Tutorial
How to write a bootstrapper.
Cottontail OS Development Library
Old non-updated mirror online library covering a plethora of OS development topics. Datasheets, tutorials, reference manuals and hardware programming information.
CS 3210 Design of Operating Systems
A course in operating systems with a focus on the design and construction of a modern OS kernel.
DBLP Bibliography: Operating Systems
Links to many operating systems journals on the web.
Developed by Richard Hayden, also containing information on low-level systems and operating system programming, forums.
Groovyweb: Operating system programming
An open source os written in Turbo C (for DOS/ windows) and nasm (Windows/Dos/Linux) as well as two exclusive tutorials on how to write an operating system.
Inter-Process Communication Tutorial
Interactive tutorial about message passing, semaphores, and monitors.
Introduction to Operating Systems and Systems Prog
Course details and material.
JOSH - Operating Systems Development Tutorial
Tutorial on operating system development leading to the development of a real mode single tasking operating system developed in assembler.
News and reviews of kernels.
Resources for programmers new to kernel hacking. Example code, FAQs, utilities for debugging modules.
Open source operating system, planned to be an OS entirely made by Portuguese people and built mainly as a way of self-learning and research on operating systems development. [Open source]
Operating System Index
A list of educational and experimental operating systems aiming to help developers who are looking for code examples.
Operating System Lecture Notes
Notes on operating system theory, source code of describing actual construction of operating system in C programming language. Also OS construction related links to books, notes, tutorials, and news groups.
Operating Systems and System Software
Contains sources of a minimal kernel, a new CPU scheduler for Linux, multithreading in Linux, systems software in DOS and collection of good reference material for OS lovers.
OSDEV Community
A web portal dedicated to operating system development, attracting programmers into an advanced development environment.
Pierre's Library
A resource center for PC operating system developpers. The aim is to provide reliable documents about software and hardware standards under the aspect of official specifications as well as more friendly documents.
The Basic Kernel Source Code Secrets
By William Jolitz and Lynne Jolitz (authors of 386BSD OS). Good book to learn the kernel internals of 386 architecture operating systems.
The Operating System Developers Homepage
Index of operating systems and links to resources for programmers.
The Operating Systems Resource Center
Extensive information about booting, file systems, memory, architecture, and interfacing with other devices.
The OSKit Project
An open source set of libraries that can be used as building blocks for an operating system for x86. Includes documentation and publications.
Therx OS Development Library
A site containing archived documents relating to the programming of Operating Systems.
Ukrainiann Operating System. OS sources, toolkit downloads. OS development related articles.
Triple Fault Club
Information on writing your own operating system, protected mode, and small independent OS projects with freely-available source code.
Tuomo Kortesmaa
Notes and example code for basic operating systems concepts, threads, sockets, and device drivers.
Virtual Memory Tutorial
Extensive discussion of virtual memory.
WJS Home Page
Memory allocation and multitasking algorithms. Programming Interrupts for DOS (docs and examples). Devices programming (PIC, PIT, FDC, IDE, KEYBOARD) source code and links. Utilities.
Write Your Own Operating System [FAQ]
The Hobbyist guide to writing your own operating system from the ground up, Question and Answer style on everything from PMode to filesystems to GCC and doing it in C++.
Xosdev OS Development Central
Directory of OS development related resources.
Yet Another Object Oriented Operating System
A project of developing new object oriented operating system.