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Van Achtes, Scott
Resume. Disc Golf Victoria, Jokes, Photos.
van der Merwe, Stephan
Personal site, containing cv, interests and stuff about Stephan van der Merwe an aspiring young programmer.
Vanstone, Matt
Personal, photos. Protfolio. Links.
Varadaraj, Vishnu
Blog contains technical tips and notes on CLR, Windows and Java.
Vawter, Bob
Computer Geek. Info, projects, resume, stuff.
Villarrubia, David - Xsol Technologies
Resume, PHP projects. Resources.
Vincent, Shane Donald
Database application development, SQL, Internet applications, Visual Studio.Net. Resume.
Vinokur, Alex
Programs and Algorithms, Computer Science, Software Engineering, Databases in C, C++, STL, Pro*C/C++
Voris, John
An IBM Certified Specialist. Articles, download and sources, Java applets and demos, personal stuff.