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A Proposal for Fixing the Java Programming Languag
Java's threading model is entirely inadequate for programs of realistic complexity and isn't in the least bit object oriented.
Achieve Strong Performance With Threads, Part 1
Gives an introduction to threads and explores the Thread class and runnables.
Achieve Strong Performance With Threads, Part 2
Explains synchronization, Java's synchronization mechanism, and two problems that arise when developers fail to use that mechanism correctly.
Achieve Strong Performance With Threads, Part 3
Explains how priority relates to thread scheduling and how to use the wait/notify mechanism to coordinate the activities of multiple threads.
Achieve Strong Performance With Threads, Part 4
Focuses on thread groups, volatility, thread-local variables, timers, and the ThreadDeath class. Also describes how various thread concepts combine to finalize objects.
Avoid Synchronization Deadlocks
Explains how to apply consistent rules for acquiring multiple locks simultaneously, to reduce the likelihood of synchronization deadlocks.
Can Double-Checked Locking be Fixed?
In this article, Brian Goetz looks at some of the commonly proposed fixes and shows how each of them fails to render the DCL idiom thread-safe under the Java Memory Model.
Can ThreadLocal Solve the Double-checked Locking P
Explains how to fix the double-checked locking idiom by using thread-local variables and takes a look at its performance.
Discussion of thread cancellation techniques in Java. (excerpt from Doug Lea's Concurrent Programming in Java book)
Double-checked Locking and the Singleton Pattern
Examines the roots of the double-checked locking idiom, why it was developed, and why it doesn't work.
Double-Checked Locking: Clever, but Broken
Though many Java books and articles recommend double-checked locking, unfortunately, it is not guaranteed to work in Java.
Ease Your Multithreaded Application Programming
Takes a look at one of the most-used constructs in multithreaded programming: the producer-consumer scenario. Also shows a Consumer class which facilitates code reuse and simplifies debugging and maintenance in some multithreaded applications.
Going Atomic
Explains how the new atomic variable classes in JDK 5.0 enable the development of highly scalable nonblocking algorithms in the Java language.
Hey, where'd my thread go?
If you're not careful, threads can disappear from server applications without a (stack) trace. In this article, threading expert Brian Goetz offers some techniques for both prevention and detection of threads going AWOL.
Implementing Read-Write Locks in Java
Read-write locks allow multiple threads to acquire a read lock provided no other thread currently has a write lock on the same object. A thread can acquire a write lock if no other thread owns either a read lock or a write lock.
Java Technology, Threads, and Scheduling in Linux
Examines the performance of the Linux kernel when the system is running a heavily threaded Java program using the IBM Java Developer Kit for Linux.
Message Driven Thread API for Java, which enables deadlock safe, multithreaded, concurrent, high level communication between threads.
Multi-Threading -- The Next Level
By Edward Harned. This article takes the multi-threading structures available today to the next level by making professional quality, Open Source code available to all programmers.
Multi-threading in Java
Article by Neel V. Kumar. A tour in the land of multithreading in Java. Introduces the mechanisms and demonstrates how to use them in limited but very common cases.
Programming Java Threads in the Real World, Part 1
Discusses the things you need to know to program threads in the real world. This article assumes you understand the language-level support for threads and focuses on the legion of problems that arise when you try to use these language features.
Programming Java Threads in the Real World, Part 2
Discusses the perils that can arise when you approach multithreading in a naive way.
Programming Java Threads in the Real World, Part 3
Looks at how and why you might want to roll your own exclusion semaphores, and presents a lock manager that will help you safely acquire multiple semaphores.
Programming Java Threads in the Real world, Part 4
A condition variable adds to wait the ability to not wait when the condition you're waiting for has already taken place; and a counting semaphore lets you control a pool of resources without sucking up machine cycles in polling loops.
Programming Java Threads in the Real World, Part 5
Timers let you perform fixed-interval operations, such as animation refreshes.
Programming Java Threads in the Real World, Part 6
How to implement the Observer pattern (used by AWT/Swing for its event model) in a multithreaded environment.
Programming Java Threads in the Real World, Part 7
Reader/writer locks let multiple threads safely access a shared resource in an efficient way.
Programming Java Threads in the Real World, Part 8
Discusses architectural solutions to threading problems. Takes a look at threads from the perspective of an object-oriented designer, and at how to implement threads in an object-oriented environment, focusing on the implementation of asynchronous methods.
Programming Java Threads in the Real World, Part 9
Discussion of two more architectural solutions to threading problems: a synchronous dispatcher (or 'reactor') and an asynchronous dispatcher (or 'active object').
Safe construction techniques
Concurrent programming in Java applications is more complicated than it looks: there are several subtle (and not so subtle) ways to create data races and other concurrency hazards in Java programs. In this installment of Java theory and practice, Brian Goetz looks at a common threading hazard: allowing the this reference to escape during construction. This harmless-looking practice can cause unpredictable and undesirable results in your Java programs.
Seminar: Concurrent Programming in Java
A comprehensive course covering all aspects of multi-thread programming in Java from plain synchronization over Java 5.0 concurrency utilities to memory model issues.
Simple Java Thread Management Library (SJT.Mgmt)
An easy to use library for adding thread management in Java applications. The library comes from early experience with JServ's lack of thread management, and recent posts to the java developer forums. [Open source]
Singletons with Needles and Thread
Presents two approaches to creating thread-safe singletons.
The "Double-Checked Locking is Broken" D
Details on the reasons - some very subtle - why double-checked locking cannot be relied upon to be safe. Signed by a number of experts, including Sun engineers.
Thread Pools and Work Queues
Explores the motivations for thread pools, some basic implementation and tuning techniques, and some common hazards to avoid.
Thread Synchronization in Java
Producer Consumer, Dining Philosophers, Reader Writer problems. Applet demonstration, design diagram. Source code accessable by e-mail request.
Thread Synchronization in Java (Sources)
Introduces basic concurrency problems and shows how to solve them by using builtin Java synchronization primitives. (Only sources free accessed without registration)
Threading Lightly: Exploiting ThreadLocal to Enhan
Examines ThreadLocal and offers tips for exploiting its power.
Threading Lightly: Reducing Contention
Explains why contended synchronization is a problem and then explores several techniques for reducing contention, and hence improving scalability.
Threading Lightly: Synchronization is not the Enem
Takes a look at the semantics and the performance penalty of Java's synchronized keyword.
Threads 101
Explains from the ground up how to get threads work correctly. (Chuck Allison)
Warning! Threading in a Multiprocessor World
Many authors advocate the double-checked locking idiom to access a Singleton object in an intuitively thread-safe way. Unfortunately, for counterintuitive reasons, double-checked locking doesn't work in Java.
Why Thread Pools are Important in Java
Explains the use of thread pools to create better performing applications.
Writing Multithreaded Java Applications
Introduces the Java Thread API, outlines issues involved in multithreading, and offers solutions to common problems.