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An Introduction to Intrusion Detection Systems
Detailed introductory guide to intrusion detection systems, both host and network-based. The Dragon IDS Suite is used to demonstrate usage principles.
IDS Evasion Techniques (Security Focus)
Explainations of basic IDS evasion techniques as well as suggested fixes and countermeasures to such attacks. Topics covered include basic string-matching weaknesses, polymorphic shell code, session splicing, fragmentation attacks, and denial of service attacks.
Intrusion Detection FAQ
Frequently asked questions about intrusion detection, from the SANS Institute.
Network-based intrusion-detection systems
IDS coverage from Network World, including an in-depth review of eight IDS products, tips for deployment and false alarm reduction, terminology glossary, and related news stories.
Raffael Marty: Intrusion Detection Resources
A good overall collection of IDS resources including links to log analysis, honeypot, and other useful tools. Also includes information regarding the THOR and Odin IDS projects.
Rules Definition for an Anomaly-Based IDS Solution
Information Security documentation, including a paper describing how to effectively use rule-based NIDS to perform anomaly intrusion detection.
SecurePoint IDS Mailing List
Searchable archive of SecurePoint Technologies' IDS mailing list.