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Alert Security Mailing List
Monthly security tips and alert mailing list. Pay subscription service provides information, tips and developments to protect your Internet computer security
Bugtraq Moderated by Security Focus
Bugtraq mailing list archives of UNIX, NT, Win95, Novell, and Mac, bugs and exploits.
Check Point FireWall-1 discussion
Searchable archives of Check Point FireWall-1 mailing list and online discussion
Computer Forensics Training Mailing List
Computer Forensics and incident response mailing list
Computer crimes and related arrests are the focus of these mail alerts. Subscribers can receive 5-20 messages per week as news breaks.
Cyberguard Mailing list
CyberGuard firewall mailing list information, subscription and searchable archives.
Debian GNU/Linux -- Mailing List Subscription
Security mailing lists that deal with Debian Linux security issues, specifically the debian-security-announce and debian-security lists.
Der Keiler
Searchable real-time updated archive of major security lists and newsgroups, including Cert, Securiteam, Linuxsecurity, VulnWatch, Full-Disclosure, Bugtraq, Incidents, Securityfocus, and several Usenet groups.
FreeBSD Resources
Mailing lists pertaining to FreeBSD. freebsd-security and freebsd-security-notifications are sources of official FreeBSD specific notifications.
InfoSec News
Privately-run medium traffic list that caters to distribution of information security news articles.
IWS INFOCON Mailing List
The INFOCON mailing list is devoted to the discussion of cyberthreats and all aspects of information operations, including offensive and defensive information warfare, information assurance, psychological operations, electronic warfare, ....
Metasploit Mailing List
List pertiaining to the use of the metasploit exploitation framework
Microsoft TechNet Security - Product Security Noti
Microsoft techNet Security - Product Security Notification. Instructions on how to join the mailing list for Product Security bulletins notification.
MobileBugtraq is a new discussion mailing list about security of mobile terminals.
Moderated Firewall and Security Mailing List
Firewall-wizards is a high-quality fully moderated firewall and security mailing list.
Network Security Hacking Archive
Archive of network security related lists.
NT Security Alerts and Digest Newsletter
Windows NT security alerts from several known resources. When new problems arise, alert is sent out.
PC Security Weekly
Weekly digest of computer security issues written for home users.
Pete Moss Publications
Daily journals of concise, complete e-news for pro's, about hacking, cracking, spam, and security issues.
Redhat Linux Mailing list manager
Focuses on Linux and Redhat related security information specifically the Linux-security and Redhat-watch-list lists.
Risks Digest
Forum on risks to the public in computers and related systems.
SCADA Security List
Mailing list concerning DCS and SCADA Security
Website run by Fyodor of the NMAP project, a collection of security lists.
Macintosh security mailing list for advisories, patches, and alerts.
SecuriTeam Mailing Lists
Location of various security mailing lists pertaining to exploits, hacking tools, and others.
Security Clipper
Mailing list aggregator offering a selection of security lists to monitor.
SGI and IRIX security list
List for SGI and IRIX security
The 'Security Digest' Archives
Dedicated to the history of the early 'Security Digest' archives, from the Unix 'Security Mailing List', through the Zardoz 'Security Digest' to the Core 'Security List'.
The ISO17799 Security Newsletter
News, background and updates on this international security standard.
Training Reviews List
Security training reviews, daily updates via newsletter available.
[nn] Netscreen News Mailing List Archive
Support and communication surrounding Netscreen products for medium to advanced administrators.