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Active HIPAA
Publisher of the HIPAA Privacy and Security Manual for Employers.
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Responsible for implementing various unrelated provisions of HIPAA, therefore HIPAA may mean different things to different people. Includes a directory of CMS's business activities with regard to HIPAA.
Cygnus Security Corporation
New York full service computer integrator, Information Technology and Security Solutions, specializing in Hipaa Compliance Services
HIPAA Compliance and Security Analysis
Security solutions tailored to specific requirements. Review policies, procedures, process and practices relating to security and privacy. Identify gaps between current policies, procedures and systems to HIPAA requirements.
HIPAA Full Text
The complete reference text of HIPAA in direct browsable format. From LegalArchiver.org.
HIPAA Secure Email - Secure Gateway - SafetySend.c
HIPAA compliant software solutions such as secure email, secure gateway, and HIPAA compliance information.
HIPAA Security Policy Development: A Collaborative
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), enacted on August 21, 1996 as Public Law 104-191, authorized the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) to develop security standards to prevent inadvertent or intentional unauthorized use or disclosure of any health information that is electronically maintained or used in an electronic transmission.
The law, identifiers, transactions, enforcement, security, privacy, code sets, industry discussion/collaboration, and other resources.
Offers online employee training solutions for HIPAA compliance.
Web-based subscription service which assists with HIPAA compliance.
Joint Council on Accreditation of Healthcare Organ
Since 1951, the Joint Commission evaluates and accredits nearly 17,000 health care organizations and programs in the United States. An independent, not-for-profit organization, JCAHO is the nation's predominant standards-setting and accrediting body in health care.
For IT professionals in search of information and resources on the issues involved with complying with HIPAA regulations.