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Bug Tracking
Articles, Directories, Free, Hosted, Aardvark, Advanced Defect Tracking, Avensoft Bug Tracker Server, Bug Cracker, Bug-Buddy, Bug/Defect Tracking Expert, BugAware, BugBox, BugCollector Pro, Bugopolis Bug Station
Configuration Management Links, Hotlist: Software process improvement, SQA, Software Configuration Management, Software Configuration Management
Arch, ClearCase, Concurrent Versions System, Revision Control System, Source Configuration Management, Subversion, Visual SourceSafe, +1CM, 20s Change Coordinator, AccuRev, AllChange, Better SCM Site, BitKeeper, ChangeMan, Clearvision Plc, CM+, CMZ
ACME Project
Assembling CM Environments, a page of SCM definitions, bet practices, and a collection of SCM Links.
Bibliography on Software Configuration Management
This bibliography is a part of the Computer Science Bibliography Collection.
CM Today
A source for online daily configuration management news.
Configuration Management
1 page overview of CM tools and companies, CrossTalk magazine, Clive Burrows.
Configuration Management Frequently Asked Question
The official FAQ of Usenet newsgroup comp.software.config-mgmt.
Configuration Management Resource Guide
A directory of CM resources, bibliography, and tools.
Configuration Management Yellow Pages
Comprehensive listing of configuration management software, conferences, jobs, consultants. Maintained by André van der Hoek, and sponsored by the Software Engineering Research Laboratory of the University of Colorado.