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About.com on Ingres
Provides original feature articles, a collection of net links, forum discussions and a chat room.
Computer Associates - Ingres
Advantage Ingres Enterprise Relational Database.
ExIngres on the Web
Ingres corporate culture without the corporation.
Ingres II HowTo
This document helps install the Ingres II Relational Database Management System on Linux.
Ingres User Association in the UK
Describes past and future conferences of the IUA in UK and other relevant information. The IUA is independent of Computer Associates.
Ingres Users Group Nederland
Information on this technical association.
North American Ingres Users Association
Internet resource for Ingres database specialists.
WebinTool 2.1.1
A tool to glue INGRES to Web pages, or let Web pages grab data from INGRES databases, depending on your point of view.