english deutsch
Arial Unicode MS
Information on Arial Unicode MS and similar fonts for hardware and software developers.
Fonts for the Unicode Character Set
Listing of some Unicode fonts. Short discussion of Unicode and fonts for Unicode.
Fonts That Support Unicode
Information on fonts for Windows and Macintosh platforms that include Unicode character ranges and that can be used to display documents or Web pages containing many languages, scripts and special characters. Listings include some free fonts.
Multilingual Unicode TrueType Fonts
Listing of Unicode TrueType fonts for Windows platforms available for download on the Internet. Details on which scripts and character sets are supported, and information on using such fonts in Linux or other Unix systems.
Summersby Unicode font
A legible, hinted OpenType font with partial Unicode support including English, Danish, German, Russian, and Japanese.
Unicode Fonts and Tools for X11
Information about Unicode fonts for Linux and X11 users.