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Adobe: Unicode and Glyph Names
A description of PostScript glyph naming conventions in the context of Unicode.
ConScript Unicode Registry
Information on block assignment in the Unicode Private Use Area.
Decimal, Hexadecimal Character Codes in HTML Unico
An online tool for converting between multinational characters and their decimal and hexadecimal equivalents.
Demystifying Unicode
Information on technical aspects from SimulTrans.
F4: ASCII - Unicode Bridge
Online service that converts ASCII text with simple codes for almost all accents in Romanized scripts to fully accented Unicode 4.0.
Fingertipsoft: Character Set Converter
Converts multilingual text between Unicode and other popular character sets.
Multilingual fonts and keyboard layouts for Unicode-compliant and pre-Unicode applications. Also contains information on CJK, Maltese, Esperanto, Arabic, Cyrillic and Hebrew and links to related resources.
Free Online Unicode Character Map
Interactive map with buttons for selecting arbitrary Unicode characters for copying and pasting into other applications, plus search engines tools. Requires Javascript.
IBM developerWorks: Unicode
A developer resource for building applications for a worldwide audience, with technical and editorial articles.
International Unicode Conferences
Contains a variety of tutorials and details of conference sessions covering Unicode, the web, software and internationalization. Contains details of past conferences since 1996 and information about upcoming events.
Linux Unicode How-to
How to adapt Linux systems to use UTF-8 encoding. (ftp)
Mac OS 8 and 9 Developer Documentation: Unicode Ut
Utilities from Apple for the Mac OS environment. Some documents require Acrobat Reader.
Microsoft : Unicode Codepages
A list of common codepages with tables in text and graphical formats.
C++ library for Unicode from Basis Techology. The site also contains an overview of Unicode, technical information on database support and a free demonstration of the software.
Sharmahd Computing UniPad
A Unicode plain text editor for the Windows NT and Windows 95 operating systems.
Sun Microsystems: Unicode Support in Solaris 7
Information for software developers interested in Unicode support in this operating environment, including an overview, multilingual support in Solaris, application development and codeset conversions.
Tackling a Daunting Task
Eugene Eric Kim reviews "Unicode: A Primer".
The Secret Life of Unicode
A look at some of Unicode's weak points and disadvantages.
The Unicode Consortium
The official Unicode web site provides extensive information and resources for programmers, implementers and others involved in globalization work.
The Unicode Standard
The online edition of version 3.0 of this standard.
Browsers test for Unicode compatibility.
Unicode and Multilingual Support in Web Browsers a
A guide to displaying thousands of foreign and special characters in Web pages, with the aid of Unicode, plus notes on suitable multilingual browsers, fonts, editors and other utilities. Includes lists of the characters in each Unicode range that can be used to test browsers and fonts.
Unicode Blocks
A list of the standard Unicode blocks.
Unicode Example
Demonstrates the use of the Unicode Character Standard to store names and places from anywhere in the world, in any language.
Unicode Fonts
Concise information on Unicode fonts for hardware and software developers.
Unicode on Windows
A general guide on how to write ANSI/Unicode specific source code, as well as generic source code for Windows.
Unicode Support in Your Browser
Test browser and operating system compatibility. Also downloadable Unicode fonts and links to other resources and references.
Unicode Translation to UTF-8
A short series of tables showing how Unicode translates into an eight bit format.
Unicode Tutorial
A reference to Unicode terms and concepts aimed at a basic to intermediate level.
Unicode, MBCS and Generic text conversion
A guide to using generic text functions to make the transition between character sets easier for C++, MFC and STL.
UTF-8 and Unicode FAQ
A comprehensive resource about Unicode and UTF-8 on Unix and Linux systems.
UTF-8 Conversion Tool
Converts between Unicode characters, code points and UTF-8, displayed in various formats.
UTF-8 Sampler
Examples of the UTF-8 Unicode encoding method demonstrating its ASCII-preserving properties.
Who doesn't know what Unicode is?
C-Kermit and Unicode issues explored.
Why Unicode Won't Work on the Internet: Lingu
A paper outlining issues with encoding all the world's character sets within the limitations of the existing Unicode standards, and the possible impact this will have on East Asian languages.
Wikipedia - Unicode
A description of the basic concept of Unicode plus links to related resources.
Zvon Character Reference
A reference of visually similar characters and their Unicode values, which can be downloaded for off-line use.
Zvon Character Search
Finds properties of Unicode characters and determines its usage in XML documents. It also enables search of HTML and MathML entities and searches based on visual similarity. A browse by scripts, blocks or digits is also available.