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ACC Globalization, Localization, Internationalizat
Austin Community College's Globalization / Internationalization / Localization studies site. Information about the courses we are planning to offer and contact information.
CLP -Certified Localisation Professional
Addresses the urgent need to convert today's graduate skill's shortage into tomorrow's vocational training opportunity in one of the fastest growing and most dynamic sectors within the information Technology Industry the Localisation industry in Ireland. This project will establish an accreditation system for the software localisation industry.
ETP's Localisation-specific Structured Projec
Spread over three days the workshop provides you with the skills to consistently deliver successful multiple projects in the Localisation Industry.
Globalization.com - Courses for translators and lo
Desktop Publishing courses, Language Engineering Courses, Software Internationalization Courses, Software Localization Courses, Translation and Interpreting Courses.
Graduate Diploma/Master of Science in Software Loc
University of Limerick, Ireland
i18n.ca: Internationalization Training & Consu
Offers full-day and half-day internationalization and localization workshops.
LISA Education Initiative Taskforce (LEIT)
Comprised of educators and professionals in the localization industry. LEIT has been charged by the Localisation Industry Standards Association with evaluating the present state of education in localization and related fields, making recommendations as to where industry could support further efforts in education, and providing information and resources to support educational endeavors. This website contains LEIT information on localization education around the world. It is the only site of its sort in the world.
Silicon Valley Localization Forum Courseware
TGP Consulting now offers Courseware material that covers such topics as Developing Software for an International Audience; Testing International and Localized Software; Writing International Software Documentation; Selecting a Localization Vendor; Translation Technology and Tools
The Localization Institute
Training for software localization and internationalization.
University of Washington Extension - Localization
Participants are prepared for careers in the localization industry by learning to incorporate language and culture in products and services specifically developed for local markets. Industry expectations and translation tools and processes are covered, providing an introduction to multilingual computing, product development, and localization development cycles and projects.