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FAQs, Help, and Tutorials
Accent on Internationalization, International Addresses, Internationalization of Web Sites., Internationalization Presentation Slides, Microsoft: Global Software Development - Keyboard , Official Guidelines for User Interface Developers , SBN Server: International Active Server Pages, What is internationalization?
Software and Tools
Bicameral Pictographic Keyboard, Citrus: BSD I18N Framework Implementation Project, International Components for Unicode, Multilizer, Rosette, the C++ Library for Unicode, SSI SoftGlobalization, XML Internationalization and Localization FAQ
ABLE Innovations, Inc.
A provider of software localization, internationalization, technical translation and related international services to start-up and multinational clients marketing their products worldwide.
An annotated reference to the Thai implementations
This paper is an effort to collect and annotate relevant standards, technical and implementation aspects of Thai language implementation on various computer platforms.
Complex scripts
FAQs on complex scripts, contextual shaping, character reordering, diacritics and special justification and wordbreak rules for complex scripts.
Frank Tang's Netscape Communicator 4.0 Iñtër
Collection of links to standards, journals, and web resources, including sections for Arabic, Thai, and Chinese scripts.
Open directory of links to internationalization (i18n) resources and related material.
Idiom Technologies, Inc.
A supplier of software, strategy and services to establish and maintain a consistent, multi-lingual, multi-cultural web presence.
Input Method Managers and Editors
FAQs on input method editors and input method managers in Windows 2000
International Systems Consultancy
Creator of Iranian and Urdu language/character set software.
ISO 3166-1: The Code List
The links below take you to either the English or the French language version of the country names and code elements of ISO 3166-1.
ISO Internationalization WG20
Ken Lunde's CJK Resources
Chinese, Japanese and Korean languages resources.
Specifies a semicolon-delimited list of RFC1766 language codes used for international distribution.
Locale ID (LCID) Chart
Mailing list www-international@w3.org
Mailing list for the development of all aspects of internationalization and multilingualism on the World-Wide Web.
MAITS home page
The Multilingual Application Interface for Telematic Services consortium, internationalization APIs issues.
Microsoft: Locales & Languages
FAQs on locales, language groups, system and user locales, codepage support, and Unicode support.
Mozilla International QA
The team responsible for ensuring support of international conventions such as character sets and date formats, as well as for ensuring that localized builds of the Mozilla client function properly.
Mozilla.org Language Enabling Project
Enabling Mozilla to support various languages and writing systems
Apache-based WWW server supporting multiple languages and charsets
Netscape Internationalization
Here are a collection of papers and presentation authored by Netscape engineers involved in Internationalizing Netscape products.
Open Group Locales
Publications catalog and technical guides.
Programming for Internationalization FAQ
Software Internationalization Seminar
Organization producing seminars on localization and internationalization of software
The Open Group
Internationalisation Guide to align with XPG4. It is intended for system and application programmers developing internationalised software, and for end users who need to use the multi-locale features of an XPG4-compliant system.
The Unicode Consortium
The official Unicode web site provides extensive information and resources for programmers, implementers and others involved in computer globalization work.
W3C Internationalization and Localization
The W3C tries to make sure that WWW technology meets the needs of the global community.
Web Internationalization & Multilingualism