english deutsch
Windows 2000
International Support in Microsoft Windows 2000, Multilingual Setup For Windows 2000 Pro, Multilingual Support in Windows 2000, New Windows 2000, Supporting Multilanguage Text Layout and Complex S, Windows 2000 Multilanguage version, Windows NT 5.0? Multilingual Capabilities
Windows CE
Windows CE: International Glossaries, Windows CE: International System Integrators
Windows NT
Japan Windows NT Users Group (JWNTUG), Localization of Windows NT in Japan
Active Input Method Manager (AIMM)
Active Input Method Manager mirrors the Win32 Input Method Manager APIs to allow East Asian character input on non-East Asian versions of Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Windows NT 4.0.
Design a Single Unicode App that Runs on Both Wind
Microsoft Systems Journal FAQs.
I18NdotNET Mailing List
List designed to act as an information sharing forum for people interested in .NET internationalization and localization issues.