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Adaptive On-Line Page Importance Computation
A good explanation about the convergence of various algorithms. This paper also describes an adaptive and on-line algorithm for computing the page importance. It can be used for focus crawling as well as for search engine's ranking.
Authoritative Sources in a Hyperlinked Environment
HITs is a link-structure analysis algorithm which ranks pages by "authorities" (pages which have many incoming links and provide the best source of information on a given topic) and "hubs" (pages which have many outgoing links and provide useful lists of possibly relevant pages). Ranking is performed at query time. [PDF format]
DiscoWeb: Discovering Web Communities Via Link Ana
This paper describes a prototype system, later known as the Teoma Search Engine. It performs a Link Analysis, loosely based on the Kleimberg method, and computed at query time.
Exploiting the Block Structure of the Web for Comp
A hierarchical approach for computing PageRank. The local PageRanks of page for each host are computed independently and then used to compute the global PageRank of Web Graph.
Extrapolation Methods for Accelerating PageRank Co
A paper about the computation of PageRank using the standard Power Method and the new Quadratic Extrapolation which computes the principal eigenvector of the Markov matrix representing the Web link graph with an increased speed up of about 50-300%.
Finding Authorities and Hubs From Link Structures
A survey on PageRank, Hits and SALSA. It also describes two Bayesian statistical algorithms for ranking of hyperlinked documents and the concepts of monotonicity and locality, as well as various concepts of distance and similarity between ranking algorithms.
Improved Algorithms for Topic Distillation in Hype
Given a typical user query to find quality documents related to the query topic. It uses an Hits variation.
Improvement of HITS-based Algorithms on Web Docume
It proposes a new weighted HITS-based method that assigns appropriate weights to in-links of root documents and combines content analysis with HITS-based algorithms.
Improvement to Clever Algorithm
A Kleimberg's algorithm improvement. [PDF format]
Larry Page Describes PageRank
Postscript-format slides which introduces citation importance ranking by Larry Page, Google's founder.
Link Analysis, Eigenvectors, and Stability
Do Hits and PageRank (and some variations) give stable rankings under small perturbations to the linkage patterns? [PS format]
PageRank as a Random Walk
A general framework for measuring the quality of an index and providing the background on the PageRank and Random Walks. Imagine a Web surfer who wanders the Web. At each step, he/she either jumps to a page on the Web chosen uniformly at random, or follows a link chosen from those on the current page.
PageRank Calculation Techniques
Describes efficient techniques for computing PageRank.
PageRank Calculation with Lossy Encoding
Lossy encoding for large scale PageRank calculation.
PageRank Computation Methods
A poster paper by Stanford db group which describes iterative methods for calculating PageRank. [PDF format]
PageRank U.S. Patent 6,285,999
Lawrence Page's PageRank Patent.
PageRank Used to Characterize Web Structure
PageRank's values on the Web follow a power law. An high in-degree of a node does not imply high PageRank, and vice versa. [PDF format]
PageRank: A Circuital Analysis
It shows some theoretical results for understanding the distribution of the score in the Web according to PageRank. Seven golden rules for building good pages are presented. [PDF format]
Probabilistic Combination of Content and Links
It introduces a probabilistic model that integrates link topology (used to identify important pages), anchor text (used to augment the text of cited pages), and activation (spread to linked pages). Experiments are on MSN Directory. [PDF format]
SALSA: The Stochastic Approach for Link-Structure
A focused search algorithm (SALSA) based on Markov chains. It starts with a query on a broad topic, discards useless links, and then weights the remaining terms. A stochastic crawl is used to discover the authorities on this topic. [PS format]
Scaling Personalized Web Search
Link Popularity algorithms biased according to a user-specified set of given interesting pages.
Survey on Google's PageRank
Information on the algorithm, how to increase PageRank, what diminishes it and how to distribute PageRank within a website.
The Clever Project
The CLEVER search engine incorporates several algorithms that make use of hyperlink structure for discovering information on the Web. It is an extension of Hits method.
The EigenTrust Algorithm for Reputation Management
An eingenvalues algorithm for calculating reputation in P2P networks and isolating malicious peers. There is a relationship with PageRank algorithm.
The Intelligent Surfer: Probabilistic Combination
This method uses query dependent importance scores and a probabilistic approach to improve upon PageRank. It pre-computes importance scores offline for every possible text query. [PDF format]
The Missing Link - A Probabilistic Model of Docume
This paper describes a joint probabilistic model for modeling the contents and inter-connectivity of document collections such as sets of web pages or research paper archives. [PDF format]
The PageRank Citation Ranking: Bringing Order to t
First Stanford paper about PageRank. It is a static ranking, performed at indexing time, which interprets a link from page A to page B as a vote, by page A, for page B. Web is seen as a direct graph and votes recursively propagate from nodes to nodes. Ranking is performed at indexing time. Used by Google.
The Second Eigenvalue of the Google Matrix
A mathematical paper about the convergence of methods used for solving the PageRank Matrix.
The World?s Largest Matrix Computation
"Google's PageRank is an eigenvector of a matrix of order 2.7 billion"
Topic -Sensitive Page Rank
Integrates ODP data in PageRank calculation for performing query time probabilistic ranking.
Towards Exploiting Link Evolution
It describes how to compute incrementally PageRank when Web graph's link topology changes. [PS format]
Web Page Scoring Systems for Horizontal and Verti
"Random Surfer" model extension. At each step of traversal of the Web graph, the surfer can jump to a random node or follow a hyperlink or follow a back-link (a hyperlink in the inverse direction) or stay in the same node.
Web-Trec 8 and PageRank
About the using of PageRank in Web Track 8 "large" and "small" datasets. [PDF format]
Web-Trec 9 and Link Popularity
About the using of Link Popularity in Web Track 9 datasets. [PDF format]
What is this Page Known for? Computing Web Page Re
PageRank and Hub and Authority generalization based on the topic of Web Pages. Definition of a model where a surfer can move forward (following an out-going link) and backward (following an in-going link in the inverse direction). [PS format]