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News and Media
:Windows Refund Madness, BBC: Windows refund day dawns, CNET News.com: Group of PC users wants Windows ref, CNN: Interactive: Windows license opens door for L, Exchange Windows with Linux for free, Fans of Linux Plan to March On Microsoft, Group seeks refunds for bundled versions of Window, Information Week: Want A Refund? Try The IRS, LA Times: G'Day, Microsoft Foes, Linux Weekly News: Monday, February 15, is Windows
Personal Pages
Personal Struggles: Australia: Geoffrey Bennett&ap
Linux Today: Toshiba finds workaround to Microsoft
Brief article and discussion about Toshiba's shrink-wrap license and its relevance to Windows refunds.
Microsoft Windows Refund for the Bay Area
Information about the group's Windows Refund Day action. Also includes resources such as press coverage, links, and a FAQ.
The Microsoft Windows Refund Newsletter
Four archived issues offering help and analysis.
Windows Refund Day Events (Orange County)
Plans for and narrative coverage of a refund attempt in Irvine, California.