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Open Firmware
Apple Open Firmware, CodeGen, Inc., FirmWorks, Open Firmware Working Group, OpenBIOS, OpenFirmware.org, Tinyboot, What is Open Firmware?
BIOS Setup Information Guide
How-to guides, general information, upgrades, identifying motherboards, links!
Project goal: be a central gathering point for BIOS firmware code that can be used to initialize and boot various services. At first, due to the large scope of the project, it will likely only boot a Linux kernel on a few chipsets. Later, it may be a full BIOS substitute for many popular motherboards.
FreeBIOS: SourceForge
Project page: summary, developers, downloads, news, forum.
BIOS for PowerPC based embedded systems; developed, released by AG Electronics; supports PPC 750 (G3), 7400 (G4); AG Electronics TPE4, Motorola Sandpoint. Modular, Ethernet boots. Download, email support. [Open Source, GPL]
Open source Los Alamos Laboratory project to replace normal BIOS with a little hardware initialization and compressed Linux kernel that boots from power-on, and have OS control a cluster node from power-on. Needs few parts to boot, fast (3 sec.), freedom from proprietary (buggy) code. Support by many vendors in performance and embedded computing markets.
Description, links, contacts.
The BIOS: Basic Input/Output System
BIOS memory timing, links.