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ALTernative OSes List
Sortable list of dozens of OSs, submission Web form, links. Site source code (PHP, MySQL) is free software. [Open Source, GPL]
Jeff Silverman's Operating System Comparison
Compares 6 different OSs to try to find the 'best' OS: Windows 98/NT4/2000, Linux Redhat6.2/SPARC/Alpha/Itanium, SunOS PC. Medium size, interesting, useful features table, web server graph. System administrator viewpoint.
Operating Systems
Brief descriptions, screenshots, links, for OSs: Unix, NeXTStep/Openstep/MacOS X/Darwin, Windows 95/98/ME-NT/2000, VMS.
Server Operating Systems Technical Comparison
Begun as 'Server Operating Systems Technical Comparison: how does Rhapsody compare as a server OS'; has expanded to compare and contrast other OSs. Technical and non-technical comparisons, recommendations for varied kinds of content creation.
The OS Files
Portal for many x86 PC platform operating systems; details, news, information, secret tips, background, links, availability (current, planned); DOSs, Linux, NetWare, OS/2, Unix, Windows.
TUNES Project: Operating Systems
Over 150 OSs described, mostly original commentary, many deep insights, over 1,000 links. [Open Content]
Vintage OS
Information, consulting on DOS, Windows, Calmira; OS/2, Unix, BSD, Mac, MVS, Palm OS, and other vintage operating systems.