english deutsch
APT Sources
FireEgl's /etc/apt/sources.list, GNU/Linux and Open Source Contributions, Mplayer for Debian, Unofficial APT Repositories, Unofficial APT sources
Knoppix, Libranet, Mepis, Ubuntu, Adamantix, BlackRhino GNU/Linux, Bonzai Linux, Componentized Linux, Corel Linux Second Edition, DEbian MUltimedia DIstribution, Debian-Med, DemoLinux, Embedded Debian Project, Floppix - Linux on 2 floppies
Duzbin on Debian, Netsnipe - "Aeria Gloris", Phil Hands, Volkan Yazici - Debian GNU/Linux Banners and Logos
#debian FAQ Wiki
Information about this IRC channel, and common questions and answers about Debian installation and use.
About Debian Linux Guide
Step-by-step guides walk you through using Debian Linux to set up Internet, LAN, and gateway servers covering installation to testing.
HOWTOs for a variety of different server tasks.
Debian Administration
Articles about system administration.
Debian bug tracking system
Debian GNU/Linux's bug tracking system, which files details of bugs reported by users and developers. Each of these bugs are given a number, and are kept on file until they are marked as having been dealt with.
Debian GNU/Linux
Official site. One of the most important distributions, uses only Free Software as defined by FSF. Descriptions (Social Contract, partners, donations), news, sources, packages, documents, support, developer corner.
Debian GNU/Linux Community
A LiveJournal community for users and developers.
Debian hints
System administration tips for version 2.2.
Debian Incoming Packages
Those to be soon added to the official archive, uploaded by official Debian maintainers, but treat with caution as they may not be well tested.
Debian Linux on an IBM Thinkpad
Describes installing Debian on various hardware configurations.
Debian Packages
Search for Debian official packages in any of the three branches - stable, testing and unstable - by keyword, section and other criteria.
Debian Planet
Forum that carries Debian news, important notices, and related material.
Debian Reference
Manual for experienced users wishing to learn more about Debian. In HTML, plain text, PS, PDF; English, Deutsch, Español, Português, Français, Italiano; short and full length versions.
Debian Security Information
Debian security alerts from 1997 to today, containing descriptions of the security problems, and the location of the available fixes for the user's platform.
Debian Software
Categorised index of packages.
Debian Usability Research
Various projects, including "Debian Package Tags" (to replace the Section system). Also notes from past usability tests.
Debian User Forums
Discussion ranging from desktop use to hardware and programming.
Debian Women
Discusses how to encourage women to become more involved with Debian. Also contains news and an FAQ.
Debian's netpbm
Gives the development details and history of this fork.
News, discussion forums and technical articles.
A wiki, bookmarks and forums provinding help to Debian users.
System administration guides, and a mailing list.
Scripts to convert a non-Debian server to Debian.
Dwarf's Guide to Debian Gnu/Linux
Text of a book about Debian installation and maintenance. Includes an introduction by Ian Murdock about the project's history.
Install Debian over a serial console
How to install Debian over a serial console from Linux Tips & Tricks.
Linux Debian Forum
Discussion about administering Apache and Exim. Some threads in Russion.
Linux, mostly Debian
Setup guide. Also includes instructions for creating a live CD.
Mailing list archives
Contains the archives of all publicly available Debian mailing lists.
My Workstation OS: Debian
Desktop use review, focusing on the packaging system. [Newsforge]
Official CD Images
Walks the user through obtaining CDs, if needed, for installation.
Planet Debian
Aggregation of blogs of a number of Debian developers.
Status of Maintainer's Packages and Bugs
Ranking of Debian maintainers by number of packages they maintain, with active and archived bugs.
The Debian Universe
An online book about Debian installation and maintenance.
The debian-mentors FAQ
Mailing list FAQ.
Total Computer Newbies Meet Debian: Part 1, The In
Positive account of introducing some total computer novices to GNU/Linux, with about 100 forum comments. First of 2 parts. [OSNews.com]
Why is package X not in testing yet?
Provides output from the package system, indicating the progress of packages into the testing distribution.