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A site reborn: The gentoo.org redesign
Daniel Robbins shares his experiences as he redesigns the Gentoo-Web site using technologies like XML, XSLT, and Python.
A tool that allows to edit ebuild-scripts and check the syntax before trying to build it. Lists features, downloads, documentation and screenshots.
Appear - A Gentoo Portage improvement
A frontend written in sh which makes Portage (the Gentoo Linux package manager) more efficient by backgrounding downloads and allowing for automatic prelinking of packages.
Provides additional packages that are not provided in the main distribution and a guide about how to set the CFLAGS for compiling.
Provides a Python script for managing config files created by portage.
CLiki - Lisp and Gentoo
Provides information about supported implementations of the Lisp programming language.
Cool Linux CD
A liveCD based Gentoo that can be used to boot Linux without installing.
daRav.de - Gentoo Ebuilds
Some ebuilds and a small howto about software suspend under Gentoo.
DataCore - Gentoo SVN Repository
Provides additional ebuilds in a Subversion-repository.
DistroWatch.com: Gentoo
Provides a basic feature list and a package comparison table.
Flameeyes's Unofficial ebuilds
Some unofficial ebuilds. Includes packages for FileLight, Universal Kopete, EventWatcher, KDar, Rekall, sitelinks, Fireworks 3D, Knifty, XMMS Outpost, VisualBoyAdvance, KVisualBoyAdvance, XMMS Outpost, Komics and others.
g2boojum's Gentoo page
Provides a couple of tarballs that make it possible to use portage in an already existing OpenBSD or FreeBSD installation. Also provides a description of the internals of portage.
A perl script that parses portage log-files for information.
Genone's portage patchset
The goal of this project is to provide a testbed for all kind of patches to portage, the package management system.
The official pages for the distribution provide documentation, downloads and installation instructions, mailing-lists, forums, performance reviews and news.
Gentoo Buildtime Database and Statistics
This site holds stats about Gentoo and the ability of calculating mergetimes beforehand.
Gentoo For Zaurus
Base the propjects Cacko X11 Rom and The Emerde Project. Provides documentation for the project, downloads, HOWTOs and screenshots.
Gentoo Forums
Discussion forums for topics around the distribution, Linux applications, installation, administration, portage, frequently asked questions.
Gentoo Linux on a Lifebook P-2040
Describes the steps that are required for installing on a Fujitsu notebook.
Gentoo Linux on the PlayStation 2
Provides patches and information about running on a Sony PlayStation 2.
Gentoo Linux PPC install on Apple iBook
Instructions on how to install on an Apple iBook.
Gentoo Linux Reloaded
Explains what Gentoo Linux is all about and presents new features in Version 1.4.
Gentoo Linux Security Guide
Provides information about how to make an installation more secure. Describes how to adjust the Kernel, firewalls, services and other parts of the system.
Gentoo Linux's Journal
Provides a journal of user-experiences. Managed by Users.
Gentoo Pages
Frequently Unanswered Questions (FUQ), some ebuilds from Stoyan Zhekov and scripts extracted from the forums.
Gentoo Planet
The official weblog aggregator for the project that creates one feed out of many Gentoo Linux developer feeds. Lists all contributors and the latest posts by various developers.
Gentoo Server Project Wiki
The project aims at creating and documenting the use of Gentoo Linux in an enterprise environment. Includes installation guides for some advanced network and administration features.
Gentoo stats
Users let a script automatically report statistics to provide information about the user-base. Provides information about the collected statistics in various categories.
Gentoo Store
Offers Gentoo-related products. Store profits are used to support Gentoo development efforts, server infrastructure and further efforts to establish a not-for-profit entity for Gentoo.
Gentoo User
Unofficial user area with interactive support, forums and news.
Gentoo-Portage wiki
A WikiWiki that provides HowTos, Tips and Tricks and man-pages around the Portage packaging system.
An unofficial package listing system. It provides information regarding the available packages and allows users to post comments.
Website for Gentoo UK. Events, news, RSS-Feed, Howtos, Links.
Gentoox - Bringing Gentoo to the Xbox
Describes how to get Gentoo running on a Microsoft Xbox. Downloads, FAQ, Forums, Links, Developers, News and Tutorials.
A user interface for the package management tool Portage.
Idiot guide to setup
A step-by-step tutorial on setting up Gentoo including a checklist and pictures of the required steps.
It's Just this Little Chromium Switch Here: G
A comparison and critique of Gentoo and FreeBSD.
Kernel and Hardware Wiki
Describes how to get PCI and USB hardware to work with Gentoo.
A graphical frontend for portage. Releasenote, changelog, download and screenshots.
Kuro5hin.org - Installing Gentoo Linux
A description of the installation process.
Linux installation for simple remote servers
Describes the Gentoo installation procedure. Basic installation, Audio, GUI, Video, links.
Linux on the Portege 2000
Describes how to install on the Toshiba Portege 2000.
Linux Review: Gentoo Linux
A review describing the experience during installation and a summary of strong points and weaknesses.
LinuxDevCenter.com: Growing with Gentoo
Daniel Robbins, Gentoo's chief architect, spoke to students and professors at Stanford University's Computer Systems Lab. Danny O'Brien reports on his presentation, which focused on lesser known aspects of Gentoo: how it evolved, what problems it had.
LinuxISO.org - Gentoo
Provides ISO-images for burning installation-CDs.
LinuxPlanet - Reviews - Distribution Watch: Gentoo
A review of Gentoo Linux 1.1a.
Linuxreviews - Linux Tips and Tricks - Gentoo Linu
General documentation, tips and help with USE flags, emerge, portage and custom ebuilds.
LWN - The Success of Gentoo
Ladislav Bodnar talks about how Gentoo became one of the most widely used distributions. Describes originality, persistence, packages, documentation, community.
LXer: Dispelling the myths of Gentoo Linux, an hon
A long-term Red Hat Linux user has given an honest look at Gentoo, and has concluded that the stereotypes surrounding this distribution are false.
MetaDistribution.org - Blog
A blog about Gentoo-Development by Pieter Van den Abeele.
NewsForge - Gentoo Linux
A review of the distribution.
OSNews.com - Review of Gentoo Linux 1.0
A review of the distribution.
Packages at Gentoo Linux
Lists new packages and provides changelogs, displays stable and unstable versions of a package and allows searching for packages by name and description.
Planet Gentoo Experimental
A collection of entries in Blogs related to Gentoo.
Project Chinstrap
Aims to provide relatively up-to-date binary packages. It is unofficial, experimental, and not supported by Gentoo.
Real-time open source activity stats
Statistics about CVS-Activity in Gentoo. Also allows to show commits categorized by submitter.
Reviewed Linux Tips and Tricks - Gentoo Linux
General documentation, tips and help with USE flags, emerge, portage and custom ebuilds.
Ruby-Tk-Merge - rtkmerge
A GUI to the emerge command to handle packages.
Something to try
A Developer blogs about the work on Gentoo and other topics.
The Adelie Linux Project
The project aims to build solutions based on Gentoo for Single System Image, High Performance Computing and other related fields. Provides ebuilds for various HPC-projects.
The Porthole Portage Frontend
A GTK-based frontend for Portage. Provides a short description, screenshots, downloads and an ebuild for the software.
Which compiler flags to use
Lists which compile-flags provide good and safe results on different processors and platforms.
Ycarus Gentoo Ebuild
Provides some ebuilds for Gentoo that are not yet in the portage tree.