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IBM Linux Portal: Turbolinux
Explains IBM support for this Linux distribution: assistance and support for OS, and issues involving included Open Source programs.
Review: TurboLinux Workstation Pro 6.1
Provides a solid set of commercial IDE tools well designed for developing, deploying Web-based applications. [Librenix]
Technology Spotlight: TurboLinux
Brief question and answer interview about firm, with president and co-founder Cliff Miller. [E-Commerce Times]
Turbolinux Joins Linux Lab
Asian Linux seller Turbolinux is once again a member of the Open Source Development Lab, a consortium computing firms sponsor to improve the Unixlike OS. It had joined the lab before, but let its membership lapse. [CNET ZDNet]
Turbolinux Joins OSDL
Japanese firm adds its expertise in demands of Asian markets to the non-profit Open Source Development Labs, a consortium of IT industry leaders formed to advance growth and adoption of Linux in business. [InternetNews]
Turbolinux Joins OSDL
Leading Asian Linux distributor joins premier Linux advocacy organization to broaden geographic support of the open source OS. [PR Newswire]
Turbolinux Joins OSDL
Open Source Development Labs (OSDL), a global consortium of leading technology companies dedicated to advancing Linux adoption, today announced the top Linux developer for Asian markets has joined as its newest member. [Linux PR]
Turbolinux Powers Ahead
After an inauspicious start to 2000, San Francisco-based Linux distributor is satisfying investors with new management line-up and some interesting partnerships. [Computer Business Review]
Turbolinux, Inc.
Distribution, products, and services for large scale, to small scale and web businesses. Strong in Asia Pacific region, largest Asian distribution, founded 1992. Sites in English, Chinese, Japanese.