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An Extended Terminal Emulator for HP48
ANSI 1.5B / VT52BIS - An Extended Terminal Emulator for HP48
Building X terminals with Linux
How to build an X terminal with Linux.
Converting old PCs into standalone X11 Terminals
Setting up 486 PCs as graphical X Window System Terminals.
How to create a Linux-based network of computers f
This series of articles describes the process of setting up an X Terminal network for large or small organizations.
Linux Serial Console
It is possible to specify multiple devices for console output. You can define a new kernel command line option to select which device(s) to use for console output.
microcom Serial Terminal Emulator
microcom is a minicom-like serial terminal emulator with scripting support. The requirement for this program was to be small enough to fit on a floppy-based Linux distribution, so the executable size is under 17k.
Remote Serial Console HOWTO
Linux HOWTO on using remote serial consoles.
Remote X Apps mini-HOWTO
How to view remote X sessions, set up local sessions and use the security features of X.
Setting up an X-Terminal
Setting up an X-Terminal with Linux.
Termpkg- The Poor Man's Terminal Server
TermPkg- The Poor Man's Terminal Server.
The Linux Text-Terminal-HOWTO
The Linux Text-Terminal-HOWTO
The MacTerminal MINI-HOWTO
How to configure a Mac for use as a Linux terminal.
Using X-Terminals In A High School
A description of using Linux based X-Terminals in place of Windows or Macintosh computers in a High School environment.
Video Terminal and Terminal-Emulator Information
Archived info on video terminals: character-cell non-bit-mapped ASCII/EBCDIC and remote-graphics terminals + control codes, terminal-emulation software.
Video Terminal and Terminal-Emulator Information
Information on setting up and using video terminals: character-cell non-bit-mapped ASCII/EBCDIC and remote-graphics terminals + control codes, terminal-emulation software.
X Window System Terminals
Linux Gazette article on Converting old PCs into standalone X11 Terminals.
Xterminals home
Documents about using X Terminals under Linux.