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Bibliography of Single Address Space OSs and Relat
Part of Computer Science Bibliography Collection of Alf-Christian Achilles.
Orthogonally persistent, research SASOS. Persistence gives a fundamentally different model of computing from that supported by normal OSs, so using such for persistence research is inappropriate.
Orthogonally persistent, capability-based secure SASOS using L4 2nd generation microkernel. Goals: Prove SASOSs can run on normal hardware, be as secure as normal OSs; can be as efficient as, and are faster than, normal OSs in some important uses; can be pure SASOSs with all data (even system data) in one address space and no other IPC mechanism is supported by OS. POSIX emulating. [Open Source, GPL]
Exploring a new OS structure, tuned to the needs of complex applications (eg, CAD/CAM) where a number of cooperating programs manipulate a large shared persistent database of objects.
ResearchIndex: Architectural Support for Single Ad
From Proceedings of the International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, Boston, USA, October 1992.
SASOS and Sombrero Project
SASOS research, and the Sombrero OS, at Arizona State University.
Single Address Space Operating Systems
Short, annotated, alphabetically sorted list and links, part of larger system.
Single Address Space Operating Systems Archive, Da
Mail lists, projects, biographies (BibTeX, HTML long, HTML sans abstracts), a few links to other SASOS sites.
The Expected Lifetime of Single Address Space Oper
Where stale pointers make it hard to re-use addresses, some have claimed that a 64-bit address space is so big that there is no need to ever re-use addresses. Results of extensive kernel-level tracing of department workstations.
The Grand Unified Theory of Address Spaces
One of many reports available on a list of publications from Grasshopper OS. Scroll down to mid-page. Explains rationale and design approach for SASOSs. Abstracts, FTP downloads in formats: PDF, PS, PS.GZ.
Multitasking SASOS with transparent data persistence: users and application programmers need not know or care that system memory is transient and must be written to disk to persist across reboots, all details done by OS, so once data is made, it exists until explicitly destroyed, like physical objects. [Open Source, GPL]