english deutsch
Open-Source replacement for commercial DOS command.com
Goal: complete, free, 100% MS-DOS compatible operating system with no enhancements or advanced features such as multitasking, protected mode operation, GUI. If you need advanced features in a free OS, try GNU/Linux.
FreeDOS 32
To extend abilities of FreeDOS into native 32-bit system, based on simple, fully expandable, modular core; features like memory protection, multitasking, support for many filesystems can be added by external components. [Open Source, GPL]
FreeDOS home page mirror: Austria
Austrian mirror of official FreeDOS home, in English.
FreeDOS Info Page
Japanese site about FreeDOS.
FreeDOS Kernel Site
Frequent updates with the latest FreeDOS kernel developments.
FreeDOS Mailing list ARChives at PPC
Updates monthly.
FreeDOS mirror site
Home of FreeDOS Ripcord distributions (possible unstable, but includes newer software) . Also mirrors main and Spanish FreeDOS sites.
FreeDOS WebRing
FreeDOS WebRing start page.
Jim's FreeDOS page
Home of FreeDOS Install program.
For users and programmers, especially enthusiasts of making our own PC system It contains binaries, sources and informations for FreeDOS.
Yet Another FreeDOS site.
Contains free DOS related utilities and mirrors of useful information. Official home of pdTree, a tree clone for DOS and Win32.