english deutsch
BUGS 2000 Cartoon Series, Christian Science Monitor, DU Y2K, E-mail Y2K, Jangle Shells, Millennium Bug Zapper 2000, Pro Cartoonist, Satirical Y2K Compliance Statement, Suck, The Millennium Bug
News and Media
A Glitch In Time, CBC News: Indepth Y2K, CIO Magazine: Year 2000 Challenge: Checking the Ch, CNet: The Y2K Bug and Your PC, CNN.com: Looking at the Y2K bug, CNN.com: Monday a Major Y2K Test as U.S. Returns t, Economist: Nothing to Fear but Fear Itself, FEMA: FEMA and the Year 2000 Initiative, Roadmap to Y2K Compliance, Teen Claims He Has Solved Millennium Bug
CPSR Y2K Working Group, Gary North's Y2K Links and Forums, Ireland: 2000 Aware, SIM International Year 2000 Working Group, South Africa: The 2000 Forum
AST Computers Y2K, Upgrade MoneyCounts 6.5 for Y2k, Y2K Problems and Solutions, Year 2000 Millennium bug
Product Compliance
Mainframe, Midrange, Vendor Y2K Statements, Millennium Bug Toolkit, Norton 2000, Rigel Group, The Y2K Problem, Year 2000 Compliance FAQs
Testing Tools
Computer Performance Engineering, Inc, TALC2000, Visual Sascan
Indiainfoline Y2K Compliance
Presents guide on Y2K with the basics of the problem along with the scope and implications of Y2K bug.
JavaScripts in Y2K
Shows you how to write or fix the JavaScripts on your site for Y2K compatibility.
OMSI: Millennium Bug Project
Y2K information.
Reptilian Associates Year 2000 Information
An introduction to year 2000 computer problems and what they will mean to you. How to protect yourself from year 2000 problems. Plus references and links.
Assisting and educating in order to eliminate the Y2K problem within your PC environment. Check to see if your computer is Y2K compliant with a free test.
USCM: Y2K Compliance Survey
Features municipal governments' efforts and preparation for the potential impact of year 2000 (Y2K) computer problems.
Y2K Clock
You can change various parameters.
Y2K Frequently Asked Questions
Description of the Y2K problem and why it exists, in question and answer format by Doug White.
Y2K Guides and Downloads for PC and Mac Users
Nonsense-free step-by-step guide to Y2K tests and fixes by Igor Sidorkin.
Year 2000
Detailed information on the Y2K from J.R. Stockton.
Year 2000 Bookmarks
References sites related to the Year 2000.
Year 2000 Computing Crisis: GAO Reports
Reports from the U.S. General Accounting Office
Year 2000 Information
National Science Foundation's information on compliance progress, and links.
Year 2000 Resource Links
Resource links related to software and the year 2000.