english deutsch
Model A
HCHOF Overview: BBC Model A, The Machine Room: BBC Model A (Acorn)
Model B
Acorn BBC B, HCHOF Overview: BBC Model B, The Machine Room: BBC Model B (Acorn), The PCB-Gallery
Model B+
The Machine Room: BBC Model B Plus (Acorn), The PCB-Gallery
BBC Micro Enhancements
Details how to connect a BBC to a display via composite video output, RGB monitor output, and SCART output.
BBC Micro Stuff
Includes a games archive with disk images to download, and details of the disk indexing system used.
BBC Microcomputer User Guide
HTML version of the original BBC Microcomputer user guide.
Brian Swatton's BBC Micro Pages
A collection of articles and programs for the BBC Micro. Includes programming utilities, electronics design aids, and serial cable wiring information.
Micro Program Could Save BBC TV Thousands
Article taken from BBC Micro User magazine summarising how BBCs could be used for Teletext preparation.
The BBC Micro - Product Information
Specification, price, and release date information for the Model A, Model B, and Model B+.