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Apple - Switch
Top ten reasons to switch from a PC to a Mac, top ten questions, testimonials, press, guide to switching, and commercial ads from Apple Computers. Official page of Switch campaign.
Infoworld: Switching by Choice
Article describing a PC user who is not impressed by the Apple Switch ads. He experimented with a Macintosh for a weekend, and was hooked.
Mac Desktop
Hardware and software issues about switching from PC to Mac-based systems.
The user group for PC Switchers to the Mac.
Resource for news, articles, reviews, help, tips & tricks and discussion forums aimed at encouraging and guiding users in switching from PC to the Mac.
ongoing - Unswitch?
Longtime Apple user explains how he's had enough with Apple and some of its quirky software products.
Learn how to make the switch to Apple computers and Mac OSX. Includes tricks and tips, websites and software to make the move.
Switch Blog
Inspired by Apple's Switch Campaign. Contains current news about the campaign, parodies, and tips for switchers.
The Bi-Platform Life - A View From Home
Mac user takes up a PC (by necessity) and writes about experiences with each. Some comparisons are especially enlightening.
Weathering the "Switch"
Five months after Apple began its $117 million advertising campaign, here's how some switchers view the change. (the Baltimore Sun)