english deutsch
DIS International
Online documentation for GNU Tools for the HP 3000 including GNU GCC, Assembler, Make, and CVS.
Hewlett Packard - GCC
GNU GCC (C++) MPE/iX port for the HP e3000 available from the HP e3000 webserver - Jazz.
Hewlett-Packard Documentation On-Line
On-line documentation for HP's commercial programming languages including Allbase SQL, BRW, C, Cobol, Fortran, Pascal, RPG, Transact, and symbolic debugger.
HP e3000 Jazz Web Server
HP's download site for language ports including Java/iX, Perl/iX, and Python/iX. Papers and software for POSIX porting.
Interex -- The International Association of Hewlet
Special Interest Groups (SIGs) for Cobol, Fortran, Java, Rapid, and Speedware. Contributed Software Library (CSL) of source and object code available on-line to members.
Mark Bixby
Perl/iX for HP e3000. The "official" home page for the HP e3000 MPE/iX port of the Perl scripting language.
The I.T.Agency
Distributes software from Corporate Computers Systems for the HP 3000 / MPE. CCS/C-XL 'C' language compiler. TRAX/COBOL & TRAX/C source level debuggers.