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Dan's IBM PalmTop PC110 pages
Operating system information, installation tips, device support, and driver availability.
FreeBSD on a PC110 Palmtop
Unix in your hand. Describes experiences in running Unix on an IBM PC110 palmtop computer.
IBM Wearables
This is the only known mention of the PC110 on the IBM USA website.
Linux on the IBM PC110
Great source for information on Linux and the PC110, also the home of the PC110 Linux mailing list.
PC110 as Industrial Art
Installing a double height battery.
PC110 Manual
The aim of this manual is to provide you with the essential information you will need in order to operate the PC110.
Starliner's PC 110 Page
Links to PC110 FAQs in PDF files.
The-Gadgeteer's PC110 Page
Full of links to many great PC110 resources plus information on the PC110 mailing list.
Windows driver for the touch/pen pad on the IBM PC110 palmtop.