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Clie Web Ring International
Collection of sites specifically dealing with this Sony handheld device, from technical information to downloads.
LDS Palm Resources
Listing of sites that make available software dealing with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Manufacturers of Palm Accessories
Dedicated to manufacturers of products such as styli, cases, keyboards, and screen protectors.
Palm E-Text
Sites dedicated to publishing documents, or e-texts. Includes distributors and makers of conversion tools.
Palm Entertainment Ring
Dedicated to sites dealing with the manufacturing or distribution of entertainment software and products.
Palm Only
Sites dealing with everything related to this handheld device, including personal pages and software downloads.
Dedicated to sites that provide medical and/or health care resources for handheld devices.
PalmGames, Hacks and Palmac
Listing of sites dealing with entertainment products, system extensions, and Macintosh users of handheld devices.
PalmPilot Web Ring
Collection of developers, enthusiasts, independent software vendors, distributors, manufacturers, and user groups.
PDA Toolbox Web Ring
Sites with information about this software development application that requires no previous programming knowledge.