english deutsch
An application which attempts to format compacted BBC BASIC programs.
Module that allows BASIC statements to be executed from the command line, or even an obey file.
DoggySoft Software
A range of public domain programming utilities, including WimpSWIVe, a programmer's support module that provides a full dynamic pre-trapping and post-trapping vector chain for Wimp SWIs.
Freeware program for finding dead code in C programs.
A system for organising help files within applications.
Leo Smiers
Includes Information, a utility to display VDU, mode and system variables.
Application that returns information on modules that are dragged to it. If possible, creates two menus - one for SWI calls the module creates - one for any *commands it adds.
Includes the freeware utilities Where, which allows to work out which module an address resides in, and Vector, which prints out a list of the claimants of all vectors.