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Cyberfiber: Newsgroups Listing
Browse or Search this comprehensive list of Newsgroups available on Usenet.
Harley Hahn's Master List of Usenet Newsgroup
Organized by topic (using entire words, not the cryptic abbreviations like "soc" or "std" sometimes used in newsgroup names).
Master List of Newsgroup Hierarchies
Master List of Newsgroup Hierarchies
Links to all known top-level hierarchies, any of which may register a subdomain of news-admin.org for their hierarchy.
Newsgroups Related to Network Abuse
List of newsgroups related to network abuse. Contains a description of each newsgroup and a link to its charter. Maintained by Russ Albery.
Categorized lists of usenet groups and Yahoo groups (mailing lists). Links to google groups and Yahoo groups for web-based browsing of the groups.
Usenet newsgroups listed by hierarchy, description, and by index. No newsserver access. Each newsgroup has its own page with statistics and links to FAQs and other group information.
Trinceron usenet
List of free open usenet news servers, software reviews, paid usenet feed service list and resource pages.
Usenet Info Center Launch Pad
Apparently no longer maintained, but of interest for historical reasons. Besides a list of Usenet newsgroups, also contains links to FAQs, newsgroup descriptions, and other Usenet information.