english deutsch
Dragon Mille Bornes
Rules for combining the auto racing card game Mille Bornes with the Car Wars Card Game.
Full Throttle
Adventure for the FUDGE system where the player characters are bikers in a post-apocalyptic wasteland.
Future Highways: The Dark Future Online Magazine
Electronic journal providing support for Dark Future, the out-of-print 3-D auto-combat board game produced by Games Workshop. Excellent resource for post-apocalyptic campaigns with any game system.
Junkyard Races
Board game of car combat combined with scavenger hunts for new car options.
Mutant Bikers of the Atomic Wasteland
Another supplement for the FUDGE system about bikers driving in a post-apocalyptic world.
Overdrive Arena: The Automotive Gladitorial Combat
Plastic model cars with weapons attached are the playing pieces in Overdrive Arena. Car Wars players can use the game for 8X scale matches.
Redline d20
Post-apocalyptic setting for the d20 System featuring radioactive contamination and fast-playing auto-combat rules.
Road-Kill Rally
Card game based on Carmageddon and Death Race 2000 to be published in 2005. Draft rules available on Web site.
Rogue Matter
Free post-apocalyptic rules system written by former Car Wars author James Barton.
Wheels of Fire
RPG of car combat based on d10 dice pools, counted successes, and opposed rolls.
Card-based game similar to out-of-print Battlecars from Games Workshop.