english deutsch
Autoduelists of the Vancouver Regional Organizatio
Gaming group that is no longer active but still has great graphics and play-aids. The vehicle schematic, Combat Showcase-like images are very good.
Boneheadz of New Idaho
Includes articles discussing world-building and enhancing character interaction in post-apocalyptic gameworlds.
Championship Autodueling Circuit (CADC)
Detroit-based gaming group that plays custom system of combat racing using Car Wars and Formula De.
French Autoduel Association (FADA)
A French organization that has online leagues, variants and arenas.
New Omaha Vehicular Association (NOVA)
Oldest Car Wars group existing today. Contains many arenas, vehicle designs and rules supplements.
Painted Target
This UK site features many variants. It also has new rules for Dark Future and Formula Dé.
Royal Automobile and Autodueling Club (RAAC)
A Web site that presents an alternate history of the United Kingdom in Autoduel Earth. Excellent source of fiction and roleplaying materials
St. Paul Area Road Knights (SPARK)
Game results, merchandise with groups's logo and photographs of the group's sponsored auto racing car.
Steel City Autoduel Rampage (SCAR)
Pittsburgh group sponsored by Gaming Association of Southwest Pennsylvania (GASP). Features variant rules, a vehicle design spreadsheet and useful resources for arena dueling.
Tri-State Auto Rally (TSAR)
New Jersey-based group featuring arenas, strategy articles and play-by-Internet games.