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A Square's Guide to Bridge
Presents a tutorial on bidding, play and defence.
Bridge Basics
Gives the basics of bridge and how to score.
Bridge Lessons For Beginners
Provides a selection of introductory articles from The Bridge World and practice problems and puzzles.
Bridge Snaps
Monthly column of tips and humor.
A methodology for intitation to the game which emphasizes play over theory.
Karen's Bridge Library
Lessons, articles, links and other features for players of all skill levels. Also includes details on clubs and tournaments in Champaign-Urbana IL.
Les Gagnon's World of Bridge
Describes simple conventions, provides software reviews, tutorials and flash lessons.
The Fifth Chair Foundation
A not-for-profit foundation which fosters online bridge education.
World Bridge Federation Teaching Program
Presentation of Minibridge, a methodoly for the 'easy' teaching of the game to beginners. Includes all the material for the teacher and the students. Tips on setting up a bridge school.