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Brewster, Sam - Dice Collection
Collects all types of dice. Information on how to categorise dice according to the owner and links to relevant sites.
Cat's Dice Trading Page
WYSIWYG. Includes list of dice types the owner wants, and links to other dice sites.
Chuck Pint's Dice Pages
Dice for trade and sale. Lists of all the dice and their icon faces and other information.
Fairchild, Jeff - Casino Dice
WYSIWYG. Includes pictures of the owner's collection and links to relevant sites, as well as a list of what is available for trade.
Ferrari, Giulio - Dice Collection
Site includes freeware and other links. Trading information includes what dice the owner has on offer and a page of traders with contact details.
Kevin Cook's Duplicates For Trade
Images of duplicates from the owner's collection being offered for trade (not sale.
Thiskid1's Dragon Dice Inventory
WYSIWYG, as well as links to Dragon Dice, Magic: The Gathering and Warhammer sites. Contact information is also available.