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Akistuki, Day of the Samurai
Based on feudal Japan with game overview, downloads, contact details and java client.
Arcane Realms MUD
A medieval fantasy game using CircleMUD codebase. Features maps, player listing, background information and a message board.
News, contact details, game overview, rules, message boards and links.
Game overview, maps, guides, news, contact details, message boards and custom client.
Banished Lands
Medieval fantasy with a light touch of sci-fi. Multi-classing, no PK, clan system and quests available.
Carrion Fields
News, message boards, help files and contact details.
Crimson Oracles
A medieval-based role-playing MUD.
A heavily modified, challenging DikuMUD, with a structured clan system. Allows player killing and player thieving.
Heroes of the Lance III
Game guides, connection details, game information, mailing list and contact details.
ImagicaMUD is a mud which is based on fantasy with some humor. Features news, credits, policy, clans, quests and maps.
Kojin, The Soul of Samurai
This historically accurate text-based game focuses on the culture of Medieval Japan with historial information, maps, connection details, news and game overview.
Midnight Sun II
A medieval themed MUD, sequel to Midnight Sun. Players can only be one race, no PK allowed.
Planes of Dominion
An Ember MUD based around the middle ages. Provides information on classes, races, gods, and equipment.
Downloads, clans, news, links and help files.
Xavien's Legacy
Dark, medieval fantasy with a unique storyline and new races, religions, and spells. P-kill restricted. Modified from ROM 2.4 with code changes currently in progress.