english deutsch
Dark Prophecy
A dark fantasy mud using the darkelib mudlib. PK, EQ saved, well-developed magic system.
Deeper Trouble
Game information, history, connection information, downloads, guild information, rules, events and links.
Land of Ruins II
Tolkien theme fantasy MUD. Restricted PK, remorting available. Newbie friendly, clans offered, mainly original world. Code base is original.
Fantasy/Tolkien theme. Limited PK, multi-classing, newbie friendly. World is all original.
MUME - Multi Users in Middle Earth
Large world with PK, EQ saved, encouraged roleplay environment, newbie friendly.
Quests, locations, guilds, and clubs.
Phanasia IV
Game overview, rules, message boards and contact details.
Stonia MUD
Just now the mud bases on J.R.R.Tolkien's books, but in nearest future there'll be new version of code: Stonia v2.0, totally new world and Stonia will be rest on new story.
The Two Towers
A middle earth LPMud base on JRR Tolkein's Lord of the Rings. Connect via standard clients or their Java client.
Viking MUD
Tolkien-based middle earth fantasy MUD.
Volouro: Two Towers
Information about Two Towers. Features maps, characters, armour and weapon information.