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Star Wars
Hunters-Network, JediMUD, Kobra MUD, Legend of the Jedi, Revenge of the Jedi, Rise in Power, Star Wars MUD
Aliens vs Predator
Contains game overview, links, clan information and contact details.
Retro-futuristic MUD featuring zombies, vodun necromancers, 1940s technology, and alternate worlds. Not for the faint of heart or the overly serious.
Developed and dedicated to the world of Iconoclast, run by one of its more influential players. Graphics and role-playing logs.
Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz Mud
MUD in development with news, game overview, suggestions, links and downloads.
Game overview, maps, connection details, contact details, message board, online shop, fiction and news.
Including themes such as Star Wars, Terry Pratchett's Discworld, Batman, Aliens and Frontier, this MUD takes a bit of everything to make an interesting atmosphere.