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A General Knowledge Quiz (by email)
Compete against friends/colleagues, against the world, or just for fun and prizes.
A Trivia Break
A dozen trivia questions every Wednesday
American Trivia Federation
Competitive league, with comprehensive descriptions of Trivial Pursuit editions.
Brain Food
Weekly trivia, humor and a monthly competition
Includes Jokes, Trivia, Humor, Word-A-Day, History, and Etymology.
CB's Tuesday Riddle
Riddles, trivia, and humor articles.
Classic Science Fiction Trivia
Trivia and lots more about science fiction
Dark Neon Flashback: Back To The Eighties
Exclusive original interviews with the pop stars of the 80s, plus fact files, trivia and links on site and via newsletter.
An email-based trivia game where points are given for answers that match those of other players, irrespective of correctness.
e-Knowledge Quiz
Several general knowledge quizzes with a Smart Chart system to keep track of your points to compare with the world.
Just Riddles and More
Riddles, trivia, illusions, puzzles, and brain teasers.
Name That Movie
Movie trivia questions sent in your email every week.
Naoworld.com Trivia Advanced
Interesting and informative trivia questions e-mailed to you every week.
Ron and Marie's Disney Trivia
Information on Disney Animation plus free Daily Disney Email List.
The Cluttered Attic
Publishes Trivia of the Day: A daily newsletter with a new piece of Trivia each day. New trivia will appear on the web page about a week after they have been in the newsletter.
The Ezine Writer emagazine
Offers jokes, trivia, inspiration, word definitions, and Cool Sites.
The QuizQueen
Two themed trivia quizzes delivered every Sunday
Trivia of the Day Game Homepage
A play by email daily trivia game. Played Monday thru Friday with a question each morning and the previous day's answer. Winners are ranked at the end of the month.
Trivia Tidbit
Delivers one quick trivia question & answer in your emailbox every day
Trivial Net
Interactive Web site and a robot that will send a computer question each weekday morning.