english deutsch
Horses, Wolves, Biatrux, Dog and Cat Wars, Paleofurs RPG, Wild Isle
Albany High School, Jolly Cheesecake, Pantheon, The DoubleStar Saloon, The List
X-Men, Young Just Us Teen Titans.
Browser Based, Message Boards, Play-By-E-Mail, Pan Historia, The Roman Online Gaming Society, Warfare HQ
Call of Cthulhu, Vampires, #Nightstalkers, Andromorphia, Dark World By Night, Downward Spiral, Hawthorne Manor, Nitemare, Regency Murder Mystery, Shadow Dream, Surrender, The City of St. Sayat
Freeform, Gaming Aids, Non-Freeform, Crossroads of Reverie, The Anime and Games RPG, The IRC Roleplaying Homepage
By Author, Gor, Druids of Paranor, Extreme Animorphs, Neuromancer, Night World Clubs, Starshield, The Clan, The Heroes of D'Hara, The Krul Raptor Pack
Message Boards
Community and Resource, Adventurer's Post, Blast RPG Forums, BrainWar, Criminal Intent, Digital-United, DreamLyrics, Elite Skills Role Play, Eyanee.com, Freelance Detective Agency, Head On A Stick
Equest Interactive Email Adventures, PBeM News, PBM UK, Role Playing Webring Submission SIte, Santa Cruz Chronicles, The Family Jameson, The Mole Room, The Secret Club
Science Fiction and Fantasy
AOL, Browser Based, Characters, Dungeons & Dragons, IRC, Message Boards, Play-By-E-Mail, Blue Horizon Sims, Dynamic Simulations, Ecniecs, En Ami ~Toi et Moi~, Ethereal Realms, Imperial Wars, Jabba Wabba Land, Macray's Keep, Nova Horizon Simulations, Serium Role-Playing Experience
Play-By-E-Mail, Wrestling
Television and Movies
Aliens, AOL, Babylon 5, Earth 2, IRC, Play-By-E-Mail, Star Trek, Star Wars
Phantom's Masquerade
Video Games
Final Fantasy, Mega Man, .hack universe, 73h W0rld, Phantasy World
Gemynd Online
Multiple simulation themes, including sports and fantasy medieval campaigns. Each game has unique page and information.
Latchkey Child
Modern roleplay in high school scenario. Brief character history and rules. [AIM]
The Realms
Avatar chat rooms, plus roleplaying on IRC.