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A fantasy-based role playing world for AOL Users. Requires dice, HP, and a level system.
Light/Neutral forum for online roleplayers on AOL. Used in Arts and Entertainment section of AOL.
Desperate Hearts
An interactive roleplaying guild set in the future - based around a woman and her followers who are bent on restoring peace to their world.
This is a free RPG based mostly on Final Fantasy VII.
FFX Ultima Omega RPG
Roleplaying game based on Final Fantasy X. Dice-based and used with AOL chatrooms.
Midnight Dogs
A role-play group where you can be a wolf, dog, werewolf, or other canine, talking and acting like humans.
Mythical Odyssey Forum
A roleplaying forum for characters based in ancient myth. Forum promotes myths that surround online fantasy role-playing.
Red River Role Play
Rules and guidelines for the AOL based Red River Game.
Redwall and Beyond
Game that uses AIM/AOL chat rooms to create the Redwall world.
Shattered Lands of Destiny
Chat based fantasy roleplaying set in an isolated land trapped in a veil of mist. Mainly AOL chat, but accept AIM players as well. Rules, classes playable and messageboard.
Urth's Legacy RPG
An AOL Fantasy RPG. Membership required, some fees.