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AD&D roleplaying on DALnet #RPGS. Various different campaigns.
AD&D: The Grovewood Saga
A continuous IRC campaign set in a world under the icy grip of war.
Aventhlew: The Hidden Land
Free form role play on IRC and on message boards. Set in medieval times, based on AD&D 2nd Edition.
Bardic Tails Tavern
A tavern in Forgotten Realms. With description of the tavern, and chat room.
Conquering Keld
In a wild land characters battle against the forces of evil, nature, and even the other players. With background, mythos, rules, and forum.
Dark Destiny
Rules, background, chatroom, and message board for a campaign in the world of Concordia.
Dragon Lance and Regular Chats
With rules, guidelines for new players, and newsletter.
Fantasy roleplaying with rules similar to AD&D's.
The Guiness Empire Campaign
A regular meeting D&D campaign that is always looking for DMs and players to help expand.
The World of Orlantia
This 20-year AD&D veteran is currently running a campaign on IRC.
The World of Quarter Kingdom
An AD&D campaign played on DALnet #rpgirc.
Wynter's Realm: A Dragonlance Website
Everything Dragonlance is here. Free chat room, free email, fan fiction, art gallery, and fan art.