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A Call to Duty
Fifth Fleet, First Fleet, Fourth Fleet, Second Fleet, Third Fleet, A Call To Duty, Doctors Lounge, Information Gateway
Interstellar Simming Federation
Endeavour, USS, Interstellar Simming Federation
Starfleet On-Line
Charleston, USS, Dynasty, USS, Enterprise, USS, Nemesis, USS, Starfleet On-Line
United Confederation of Interstellar Planets
Anderson, USS, Coronado, USS, Dark Horizon, SSS, Deep Space Europa, Enterprise, USS, Gemini, USS, Griffin-A, USS, Melbourne, USS, Nightshade, USS, Nimitz, USS
Amazon, USS
The USS Amazon, NCC-25041, is an Amazon Class Refit and the first starship to be refitted with a technology found on a planet, placing the ship technologically ahead of other ships.
Defiant, USS
Includes sim times, group specific information, and a java-script chat room.
Enjolras, USS
The USS Enjolras, NCC-24608, is a Hugo class science vessel, designed to expand the reaches of both the Federation's exploration and knowledge.
Federation Sim Group
Role-playing group that offers role-playing games mostly on IRC and based on Star Trek. The group also has a secondary focus on play by e-mail games.
Galactic Empires
Includes ships from almost all the series. Provides sims for people of all ages.
Liberty, USS
The USS Liberty, NCC-23751, was the 10th Sovereign class starship to be produced. Part of Starfleet Simulations Online.
Star Trek Alliance
Based on the USS Hellfire, NCC-56321, a prototype ship, thrown 100 years in the future.
Star Trek: Inquisitor
The USS Inquisitor is a Defiant Class vessel, fitted with an experimental drive. Unfortunately, the drive didn't work, and during the first trials, the entire ship with its skeleton crew was thrown out of its dimension.
The Virtual USS Enterprise-1701-D
Simulations take place on a replica of the USS Enterprise-D.
U.S.S Poseidon
IRC-based role-playing game played aboard an Excalibur class starship.
U.S.S. Pegasus
IRC-based Starfleet Legacy Alliance role-playing game set in the post-Deep Space 9 universe.
USS Fearless
A part of "Star Trek: the Fourteenth Fleet". Contains crew and technical information.
Voyager-A, USS
The USS Voyager-A, NCC-74656-A, is an Intrepid-Class starship, commissioned after the original Voyager was destroyed by Captain Janeway.