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Chats and Forums
Nuke World Help, Power Helpers Guild Forum, The Crystal Palace
Adoptable CyberFriend Search, Cyber Adoptions Guide Picks, Dragon Realm Estates, Free Kid Safe Cyber Adoption Links, Megangirl's Cyberpet Adoption Links, Pets Cyber Dragons, Virtual Web Games
Guides, Guilds, Personal Pages, Trading Card Game, Webpage Assistance, AirFaerie, Best of Neopets 404s, Friends of Neopia, Imperfect Dreams, It Does Not Exist, NeoNewsNow, NeoNonsense: Newbies Guide to NeoPets, Neopets, Neopets Forum, Official AntiNeopian Movement
Power Helpers Guild Help Site, PowerPets, PowerPets the helpers guide, Powerpets, An Idiots Guide, Powerpets: All You Need To Know, PPH: Power Pets Help
Simulated Pets
Horses, Adoptme, Animated Virtual Life, Ask the Vet - Vrtual Pets, Best of Breed, Bpets, Brumby Stickpets, CoolCamels, CritterShoppe, Cyber Critters, Cyber Tiger at NationalGeographic.com
Krystal Light, Zeta Help, Zeta Online, Zetamania, Zetapets
Virtual Pet Home Page
Information about virtual pets, their history, current and future technologies, the industry, and links.