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Barony of Gilead
Home of the Accumulated List-Serv Rulings. All questions regarding rules clarifications and changes that were announced by Pinnacle staff on the Deadlands: Weird West, Hell on Earth and Lost Colony List-Servs.
Deadlands Resource Center
Articles, PDFs, pictures, and a forum.
Deadlands: Weird Wars
Unofficial rules for adventures in a different era: the early 20th century. Includes new rules for character creation, price lists, adventure ideas, and paper model fonts (for use as miniatures).
Greywolf's HoE Campaign
Fan artwork, adventures, house rules and even music spawned by an ongoing Deadlands campaign.
Marshal Lambert
Offers a large amount of original Deadlands material, including adventures, gizmos and hexes.
Matt DeForrest's Deadlands Site
A collection of photos of figures used in the Great Rail Wars and Deadlands RPG and general information on the Deadlands setting.
Matt's DoomZone
Posse information, new Relics and character sheets for Deadlands: Hell On Earth.
Pinnacle Entertainment Group
The makers of Deadlands, the award-winning horror/camp/spaghetti western-based role-playing game.
Home of several Deadlands-related Mailing Lists' archives, as well as material on the fictional town of Stonecircle.
Stories of a Deadland
A large "General Store" equipment list and price guide, details of a Play by Email campaign and a dice roller are provided here.
The Brave Seekers of Enlightenment
Features adventures, mad science, voodoo, and relics.
The Path O' The Reckoning
Includes rules and game information on Arcane Backgrounds, advanced magic, and places in the Weird West.
The Posse with No Name
Character stats and adventure write-ups for members of the Posse, images of period firearms and Adobe Acrobat-format maps and handouts.
Waste of Space
New and expanded powers for existing Arcane Backgrounds, new Arcane Backgrounds, conversion rules for WoD:Hunter and a very complete timeline of the Deadlands game world.
WebRing: deadlands
Group of interlinked sites also known as "Deadlands: Burnin' Ring O' Fire".
WebRing: deadlandsring
Group of interlinked sites also known as the "Weird West Express".
Wild, Wild Space
Deadlands inspired freeform (LARP) set on Mars in 2082.
Yahoo! Groups: deadlands
Features message board for discussion of the game. Registration required to post.