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Dark Matter
Dark Matter in the Bay Area, Uncle Jimbo's End of Time Blues, WebRing: darkmatter, WebRing: darkmatteraltern
Star Drive
Alternity @ Ronaldo.com, Alternity PBEM, DarkStar, Independent Verge Developments, Klick Information File, Roller Toster's Alternity Page, RPGA Network: Living Verge, S*D-PBEM, Star*Drive: The 251st Rangers, Tequila Starrise
Ad Astra: Tri-Stat DX
An Alternity universe campaign setting, featuring high concept science fiction and new material for use in the core setting or adaptable to other games.
Alternity and Beyond
Ships, planets, and essays.
Alternity Mobile Suits
An add-on with the Mobile Suit: Gundam universe's mecha.
Alternity: Silent Möbius
Rules for campaigns set in the world of the anime "Silent Möbius".
Big Ideas, Grand Vision
Rules and background for a hard-science campaign set in A.D. 2350.
Debaser's Alternity Goodies
Links to software, e-zines and websites.
Fledgling Empire Campaign
Timeline, sector map, and planetary descriptions for a new campaign setting.
Harvest Moon
Features campaigns based on TSR's "Bughunters" game and the television series "Cleopatra 2525".
Li Po's Alternity Page
MS-DOS character and spaceship generation software.
PBEM Alternity
Features rules for gaming in several fiction-inspired settings, including Middle Earth, Star Trek, and the anime "Dragon Ball Z".
The Daily Planet
A random star system generator.
The Landing Zone
Features "Free Mars", a 22nd-century campaign set during an interplanetary rebellion.
Uncle Jimbo's Bug Huntin' Range
Settings and concepts, including the Orthopteroid species, Nemesis Gate and Crucible campaign settings.
Vatican Deception
Characters and adventure summary from a defunct online campaign.
WebRing: alternity
Group of interlinked sites also known as "Alternity Web Ring".