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Aberrant news at WolfSpoor, Aberrant Web Ring, N! Prime, Quantum Continuum - an Aberrant Resource, RPGnet Columns: Interview with Kraig Blackwelder, Yahoo! Groups : Aberrants_Worldwide
Adventure! Discussion Community, Yahoo! Groups : AeonAdventure
Battleground, Cybercom 2020, RPGnet Columns, The OpNet Depot, Wazukana, White Wolf's Official Trinity Homepage, Yahoo!Groups : Trinity_RPG
Continuing the Continuum
A fan project to continue the four game lines of the Trinity Universe via high-quality ebooks.
One of the larger sites for the Trinity Universe, including powers, fiction, and ebook supplements. Ebooks currently include "Trinity Field Report: Noetics" and "India Underground."
Trinity Universe RPG Community
A Livejournal community for discussion of the game.